Early on I figured the fastest way to what I 'envisioned' in my Shetland flock, was to use imported semen from the UK. I have done two AI's so far with my ewes and have some semen 'in stock' that I plan to use down the road, once newer blood is brought over. I had planned on doing AI every other year, and utilizing the F1 rams the following breeding season. Moving out the F1's after that to other flocks to utilize and improve their breeding programs. Well, with the lack of new semen available, I am trying to utilize the genetics that have already been brought over, and bringing them in to the lines I'm working with. I don't think I have my own 'line' yet, as I am bringing together various other lines to utilize on the ewes I have. I have several favorite ewes that I've retained most of their progeny here (Nirvana, Yuletide Angel, Chloe, Lambo, Rachildas to name a few). I've also brought in other ewes to maximize what I felt were key traits or characteristics that I needed. I ultimately feel I can create anything I may need in the future, from what I have, but it may take me awhile to get it, or to have the chance to produce it. That being said I brought in a few more rams this year to help with things I felt I needed to solidify in my flock, while bringing in different genetics.
Whistlestop 1123 - black, light badgerface yearling ram. His yearling micron results were AFD 22.8, SD 4.4, CV 19.4, CEM 7.9 and CF of 95.9. He is also a very solid 120 pound ram, great big sweeping horns, dept of body with nice spring of rib, great fleece length (already 4" at 9 months of growth), crimpy, soft, fine fleece and a very Shetland type to him. He's still fine boned and has a perfect tail. There were several other rams to choose from of equal quality but went with him as he is the rarer light badgerface marking. Jim and Brandy and have Shetlands for over 20 years, they have visited the Shetland Islands over 16 times and know pretty much everyone there who raises 1927 Standard Flock book sheep. I have a lot of respect for Jim and Brandy and their culmination of years of breeding for the 'overall, complete Shetland' shows. Jim was nice enough to micron test his entire flock in 2012 and the numbers are impressive.
1123 will have a name (yet to be determined) but he is a very mellow, respectful ram, something I breed for (and appreciate that others also do), as does Jim, and he will get 11 ewes this year, with hopefully many more years in service here.
His girls:
WhitePine Salome - Jazz x Snow Cloud - black yuglet sokket, horned. I'd like to see if he can produce horned ewes, increase her size and bring her AFD down some.
WhitePine Terah- Arapaho x Tilly - black ewe (horned genetics). Jet black ewe with outstanding conformation, I'm hoping for finer fleeces in this pairing in any color they can produce.
WhitePine Fiji - Roman x Festus black ewe. Jet black ewe with outstanding conformation and nice length of fleece. She is silky soft but I'd like more crimp to her and again, tickled with any color.
whitePine Naomi - fawn katmoget ewe. (Blues x Nirvana)I'd like a bit more size in her lambs at maturity, and a bit crimpier fleece. I really like the lines she comes from and home it crosses well with 1123.
WhitePine Bethany - moorit ewe (Orion x Lambo) is really the ultimate ewe. Not only is she Orion bloodline but Lambo is her dam. She produced well again this year and I'm hopeful for moorit based lambs from this pairing.
WhitePine Skor (Bourbon x Meleng) my only shaela ewe. I'd like more size, more crimp, and lower CV. I think modified LBF pattern would rock!
UTS Cinnibarina - moorit ewe. I'm hoping for more crimp, finer fleece and lower CEM/CV here and its bloodlines that I not as familiar with so happy to have the chance to get something nice.
BlackForset Tokhara - fawn (Ephraim x Towanda) carries spots. Lower CV, more crimp and again, color/marking unimportant here.
FIrthofFifth Ashegon (Blues x Ashanti) - (also dam of 2011 Grand Champion Ram under british judges) moorit ewe. Her size alone (70 pounds soaking wet in full fleece) is main reason for this breeding. More size and depth, longer staple length. When I say more size, I mean like maybe 10-15 pounds more at maturity, nothing giant like in some of the show rings.
FirthofFifth Rahu - (Forrest x Rachildas) polled white ewe. She is one of my favorites for type and quality. She has great conformation and crimp, just hope for a finer fleece in the lambs.
FirthofFifth Blottir (Forrest x Boppitty) gray katmoget polled ewe. A fine, dark blue fleece, she produces well with high UK % bloodlines and this should be a nice cross I'm excited to look forward to.
Whistlestop 1222 - moorit ram lamb. Also to be named ram lamb, I was able to take my pick of his ram lambs. There were several nice wider spaced horns but this guy had the best fleece, with a gorgeous color. He's somewhat related to the ram above, but Jim has done a great job in linebreeding and his entire flock LOOKS like Shetlands, and even though they are all slightly different in look or fleece, they LOOK like a flock of Shetlands from the islands. I'm very lucky to have this boy here. Since he's a lamb I'm capping him off at 7 ewes. Its somewhat an array of ewes but it will show me what he's capable of producing on my girls and the lines I'm working with.
His ladies:
FirthofFifth Koosi AI - gray katmoget (homozygous), carries moorit and full horns. Shes out of Jericho x Chloe and a lovely ewe. I'd like a longer staple length and a bit more size so she's here with him. I know she'll only produce katmogets but they should be lovely!
WhitePine Blu Cantrell AI - gray katmoget, Jericho x Lambo. Another F1 Jericho I'm looking to see if she carries moorit and if she is polled. The fleece should be lovely as she is a dark blue hue to her fleece so the solid lambs from this should be pretty intense too.
WhitePine Bivina - musket (Caiphas AI x Butter) - She's over 80% uk and silky, soft, crimpy. a lovely smirslet on her face too, she is the best ewe lamb out of Caiphas that I retained. I'd love more musket ewes here so hoping for that from this.
ShelteringPines Mademoiselle - fawn katmoget (Fudge x Underhill Amethyst) is another lovely ewe from Stephen's flock and I'm so delighted to have her here. Her daughter and son BOTH went to new flocks this year so i'm looking to retain something from her this year. Obviously moorit based, I'm excited to see what she produces, I know it will be fine.
WhitePine Auburn AI - Heights Orion x FirthofFifth Ashanti, fawn ewe. Lots of wool on poll and cheeks, dense, crimpy, fine fleece, great conformation and perfect tail. Her and her twin Adele are really what I'm striving for in a breeding program and I hope to produce MORE like them, using this guy on Auburn.
WhitePine Ciara - white - Roman x Castle Rock - a lovely girl who goes back to two of my favorite lines (Rachildas and Jazz/Chloe) and eager to see if she carries moorit or katmoget under the white. (she produced a white lamb this year).
And last but not least we have RTF Robb (WhitePine Barnabas x WhitePine Rush) white horned ram. I haven't seen him yet (he's coming this week) but he had great horn growth, dense, crimpy fleece like his parents. I'm hoping that the line breeding on Orion here will be helpful in outcrossing ot some of my other stuff.
WhitePine Neriah - Blues x Nirvana gray katmoget scurred ewe. One of my favorite fleeces as far as length, crimp and proper tip and density. I produced, with Robb's dad Roman, a gorgeous ram lamb that now resides in Colorado and continues to get great remarks about from various people there, so I want to see how she'll produce with his son.
whitePine Tecate - gray katmoget (FirthofFifth Nekomis x WhitePine Terah) a lovely typey ewe with great crimpy, soft and silky fleece. She carries solid underneath but want to see what she'll produce with Robb.
Wintersky Layla AI - mioget horned. Also her CEM is quite high and her crimp has loosened with age, she still produces some great lambs. I'm hoping to see if she can produce a horned ewe lamb with Robb and to see if Robb is really moorit based.
Sommarang Eva - gray katmoget. Love everything about this ewe. Although her AFD is higher (28) everything else is the lowest in my flock and she has an amazing build. I have two of her daughters in the flock still and although that is usually enough I want to see how she'll produce with Robb. I think Eva is homozygous black so we'll see. (especially if Robb is moorit based)
BlackForest Azteca - emsket (Ephraim AI x FirthofFifth Agio). although she is not super fine, isn't really crimpy, she has loads of breed type, flinty, fine boned and very shetland-y look. I hope to add crimp and maybe modified lambs (Robb's parents are, or come from modified stuff)
I think that's it. I've got about 10 days before I put groups together so time will tell if I change my mind. :)