I've chosen not to post my 'all flock' results the past few years for several reasons.
1. I feel that my numbers dont' change very much from year to year on a specific sheep.
2. I feel that this information is private and is used to better my own flock and goals.
3. By NOT posting, I do not get unwanted soliciting for animals that are not for sale. When and if an animal is available and the buyer is genuinely interested, I would offer those numbers to them on that specific animal.
4. I have tested over 100 sheep the last 6 years and taking the time to post all that info on so many sheep is time consuming and not needed when most are not for sale!
But just to let everyone know that I AM on the right track, please enjoy these numbers below:
Average ram micron results (lambs and adults)
AFD 20.5, SD 4.6, CV 22.8, CEM 8.9, CF 96.8, SF 20.3
WS1123 - Three year old, black, light badgerrface horned ram. Bred by Jim and Brandy Chastain. (*Grade 1)
AFD 19.9/ SD 4.8/ CV 23.9/ CEM 9.4/ CF 96.8 /SF 19.8
WhitePine City High - three year old, (Heatheram Lightning x FirthofFifth Koosi AI) gray katmoget horned ram (*Grade 1)
AFD 23.6/ SD 4.5/ CV 19.0/ CEM 7.7/ CF 94.5/ SF 22.6
WS1222 - two year old, moorit horned ram bred by the Chastains. (*Grade 2 due to CV)
AFD 21.8/ SD 5.6/ CV 25.8/ CEM 10.7/ CF 92.1/ SF 22.2
RTF Robb - two year old white horned ram - WhitePine Barnabas x WhitePine Rush (*Grade 1)
AFD 21.3/ SD 4.8/ CV 22.4/ CEM 9.5/ CF 95.2/ SF 21.0
WhitePine Carver - two year old moorit smirslet socket horned ram - WhitePine Barnabas x ShelteringPines Cabotine (* Grade 1)
AFD 21.0/ SD 4.6/ CV 22.1/ CEM 8.9/ CF 97.1/ SF 20.6
The above 5 rams did not come back as any surprises, except for a higher CV on the 1222 ram. Since these are second or third fleece tests, these rams can be officially recorded in the FFSSA database and not just provisional any longer. Its important to have mature rams tested every year to verify their quality of fleece and that they are not super fine ram lambs and are used for breeding and sold off before we know their mature fleece and if it will hold or not. You cannot base your entire breeding program on using ram lambs if you don't know how their parents tested or how they will test themselves at 2 or 3 fleece.
The next 8 ram lambs were also tested (I guess now yearlings). These are first fleece results and will be marked as provisional in the FFSSA database. This just gives me an idea of how they will continue to mature. None are surprises given their parents micron results in years past. While there is always room for improvement, and room for more knowledge, I was happy that I had a ballpark idea of how they would come back.
WP1312 Shaela yearling horned ram. Sheltering Pines Jardin de Spensau x WhitePine Nina Sky AI.
AFD 21.6/ SD4.6/ CV 21.1/ CEM 8/ CF97.5/ SF 97.5 (*provisional Grade 1)
WP1315 white yearling horned ram. Wintertime Jazz AI x UnderTheSon Souchong.
AFD 20.7/ SD 4.6/ CV 22.3/ CEM 8.5/ CF 97.4/ SF 20.4 (*Provisional Grade 1)
WP1316 gray katmoget smirslet socket horned yearling ram. Wintertime Jazz AI x ShelteringPines Nirvana.
AFD 20.5/ SD 5.1/ CV 24.8/ CEM 9.9/ CF 95.9/ SF 20.7 (*provisional Grade 2)
WP1328 - fawn horned ram - ShelterPines Camden x WhitePine Shakira AI
AFD 18.7/ SD 4.1/ CV 21.9/ CEM 8.4/ CF 99.1/ SF 18.3 (*provisional Grade 1)
WP1334 - horned gray katmoget smirslet - Wintertime Jazz AI x WhitePine Beyoncé
AFD 19.3/ SD 3.2/ CV 16.8/ CEM 6.1/ SF 99.6/ SF 18.1 (*provisional Grade 1)
WP1346 black horned yearling ram - Wintertime Jazz AI x UnderTheSon Cassandra
AFD 18.9/ SD 5.1/ CV 27.1/ CEM 10.1/ CF 98.2/ SF 19.5 (*provisional grade 3 due to CV. I expect the CV to drop in next years sample. interesting his less than 15micron was the highest at 21.2)
WP1356 - mioget horned yearling ram - WS1222 x WhitePine Auburn AI
AFD18.8/ SD 4.3/ CV 22.9/ CEM 8.1/ 98.8/ SF 18.6 (*provisional grade 1)
WP1364 - horned moorit smirslet socket yearling ram - ShelteringPines Camden x BlackForest Tersk
AFD 20.0/ SD 5.2/ CV 25.8/ CEM 10.1/ CF 96.8/ SF 20.3 (*provisional Grade 2 due to CV. I again think this will drop down to an acceptable Grade 2 in next year's test)
Traditional 1927 Shetland Sheep, Pedigree Blue Faced Leicesters and Traditional Simmental Cattle in the land of cheese.
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