The last 30 days has been a whirlwind of emotions and activity here at Ramsay Farms. My dad has told me he is burned out and doesn't want to really DO much farming any more. I respect his decision. However his decision changes what I can and cannot do here as I do not have the ability to completely do this by myself, yet.
When I purchased my business seven years ago, my goal was to work 3 full days (12+ hours a day) with that and then farm the rest of the week. I had visions of pasturing 300 ewes and 50 cows plus their offspring on rotationally grazed, organic methods and am well over half way there with those visions.
However goals are ever changing and sometimes outside sources change those goals.
There is a number one priority of fencing that must be done here to help move my goal forward and then the task of fertilizing and re-seeding the paddocks. I've already sold the pigs, pigeons (i can't believe it) and selling most of my laying hens to save on the feed expense and put it towards the sheep and cattle.
With that in mind, many ewes are going to be offered below with the intent of putting that towards that priority next year. These ewes are NOT culls, and are ewes I would keep to breed, if I didn't need to spend the money earned from them for breeding. More will be added in the up coming days!!
They are available now for $300 each registered or $350 after exposed to a ram of YOUR choice from the following rams (see below) that I will be using. I will not over charge for them, to get them in to new flocks, and as always, have multiple sheep discounts.
WhitePine Naomi - Wintertime Blues x ShelteringPines Nirvana - Fawn katmoget ewe. Horned genetics (ram and ewe). Solid ewe, wool on poll and cheeks, shorter stature, had two amazing ewe lambs I've retained. I also have her twin sister and her mother, her uncle and lots of cousins. Nice fleece length of 5". Carries Spots. F2 Jericho. Last micron report: AFD 26.9, CV 19.4, CEM 9.3, CF 78
WhitePine Robyn - Wintertime Jazz x WhitePine Rush - white ewe. Horned genetics. Wool on poll and cheeks.Nice fleece length of 6"+. Also shorter on leg (thanks to Jericho line). I have much that is related to her in my flock so she would be available. F2 Jericho, F3 Orion. Last micron AFD: 24.3, CV 22, CEM 10.1, CF 87
WhitePine Saku - WhitePine Levi x WhitePine Skor - black yearling. Could be polled. Wool on cheeks and poll. Fleece length of4-5". Smaller ewe like her mom but jet black, big soft eyes with alert expression. Totally looks Shetland-y. Micron test pending.
FirthofFifth Blottir - Wintertime Black Forrest x Minwawe Boppitty - gray katmoget. Most likely polled (produced polled ram), dark blue fleece. extra vertebrae in tail but does not throw it. A little leggier like some of the Forrest kids but very fine. Last micron: AFD 21.1, CV 24.4, CEM 9.9, CF 95. She has a chronic cough that she's had since I've acquired her, but it hasn't spread and I'm not sure what is causing it. She is one of my finest ewes and Throws beautiful babies.
Black Forest Tokhara - fawn/light moorit WhitePine Ephraim AI x FirthofFifth Towanda - carries spots. lovely type and color. Last micron 21.8 AFD, CV of 24.9, CEM 11.3, CF of 92.4. I'm keeping her twin have many of her half siblings so she's available.
WhitePine Faith - Wintertime Jazz x Minwawe Flopsy - gray katmoget krunet sokket. horned genetics. smaller ewe with lots of flash and great mothering. Carries moorit. I"ve kept her ewe lamb from this year (spotted moorit) and she can therefore be of much use to someone else! last micron AFD 26.1, CV 21.9, CEM 10.3, CF 77.8
The rams I am using this fall are the following:
Wintertime Jazz AI. Everyone who follows my blog knows him well. This will be his final breeding here and would like to rehome him to a dedicated fine fleeced flock. I'd also think about collecting him for future use.
WhitePine Flo Rida AI - Greenholme Holly x ShelteringPines Fleur de Lis. He is fully horned, gray katmoget and a nicely built ram. His last micron 23.6 AFD, 20.6 CV, 9 CEM and CF of 90.6
WhitePine City High AI - Heatheram Lightning x FirthofFifth Koosi AI. Gray katmoget, nice round UK style horns. Could be modified. His last micron 22.5 AFD, CV 19.9, CEM 7.9, CF 96.1
Whistlestop 1123 - light badgerface fully horned ram. he is a compilation of Heights Orion, Skeld, Jings, Drum Ram and some domestic stock from the west coast. His last micron was AFD 22.8, SD 4.4, CV 19.4, CEM 7.9 and CF of 95.9
Whistlestop 1222 - moorit ram fully horned lamb. He is also of the same genetics as the ram above but slightly different combination. He is out of a dam who was 27.4 AFD, 5.2 SD, 19.1 CV and CEM of 9.2 with a CF of 73 as a three shear. His sire is 24.8 AFD, 5.7 SD, 23 CV CEM 9.8 and CF of 84.
Sheltering Pines Le Jardin Suspendu - horned moorit ram lamb. He is out of Sheltering Pines Grand Luxe (the epitome of a Shetland ram in my honest opinion) and ShelteringPines Andalucite (if memory serves me right!)
ShelteringPines TelSay Cambden - horned moorit flecket smirslet gulmoget. He is out of Wintertime Fudge x ShelteringPines Catherine.
WhitePine Starbuck - black yuglet sokket ram lamb (horned ewe dam) will go to my horned ewes that I have. He's well put together and the largest horns on a lamb i've ever raised.
RTF Robb - white ram lamb out of WhitePine Barnabas x WhitePine Rush. He should be moorit based under the white and maybe katmoget, but hopefully solid. He's a tremendous ram lamb I'm eager to put to some of my ewes.
Wow that's 9 breeding groups just for shetlands. Guess I better get at the pens......
Traditional 1927 Shetland Sheep, Pedigree Blue Faced Leicesters and Traditional Simmental Cattle in the land of cheese.
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A long time coming!
It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...
Its always fun to switch it up a bit. I know some of you like to hear about my pigeons and cattle from time to time, as this IS a farm blog,...
It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...
1 comment:
My heart goes out to you kiddo. Hang tough.
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