I was sleeping in the barn last night in the torrential rain (on metal roofing no less) and it was so deafening I couldn't even hear the sheep 20 feet from my 'nest' in the straw.
I stayed out there until 2am and figured that the next two to go would be Rachildas and Booto (I'm not even kidding) and figured I'd set my alarm for 6am and go back out. Well it didn't go off and I didn't wake up until NINE AM! Its so dark and gloomy and rainy here that the dogs didn't even wake me up to go outside it was so dark. I went racing to the barn with camera in hand and here is what I found.....
Not to be outdone, FirthofFift Booto (F1 Timothy) who I didn't think was a bred just over a week ago gave me a single fawn katmoget ram lamb out of Heights Orion. He is 76.5% UK and is named WhitePine Barnabas. He's my first fawn katmoget in two years!
That puts the total at EIGHT rams and TWO ewes! Its ok Its ok! Really! I wanted to keep a ram lamb from every UK sire and in a perfect world I would have hoped for ewes from Rachildas and Booto but these boys are pretty amazing so I can't complain!
Oversleeping works as well -- see, you're finding all the ways to get the girls to drop their lambs. They are so cute!
Very nice! I hope you get some ewes soon : ).
Congrats again, some really nice looking lambs. If you want more ewes next year, I will let you know how my "pumpkin" experiment went. Nancy claims if you flush with pumpkin you get more ewe lambs. After the ram year I had last year and overgrowth of pumpkins in my garden, I thought I'd give it a try. So far 3 ewes, 1 ram. Knock on wood, I hope it continues.
I still want to know if I get points for guessing Lucy?!
Hey Kara! I tried the pumpkin last year and still got about 50/50 for boys versus girls. I have heard from several people who have AI'ed their shetlands before that they tended to get more ram lambs when AI'ing than when just to normal ground breedings. interesting huh?
They are so cute!
I like you white ram lambs. The other lambs look nice too.
OH I just want to smooch them they are so cute!!
The white ones are soooooo freaking cute. I just want to give them a big hug. Congrats!
I love white lambs too. They are so cute! I'm sure the tide will turn and you get more ewe lambs. The way my ewes are fighting amongst themselves lately, they must all be carrying ram lambs.
They are absolutely adorable! The pumpkin thing was so interesting. I'm anxious to see how it works for you.
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