The four rams I am using this fall, are all rams I offered for sale, with the intent to use them for breeding and then move them on to new homes. I'm pleased with all four rams in all aspects, and as hard as it was to let them go, I'm making sure they'll have lambs here I can move forward with.
WhitePine Nacoma, PG1, two year old - fawn katmoget horned ram. Sire: WhitePine Carver, Dam: WhitePine New Glarus
23.9 AFD, SD of 4.7, CV 19.8, CEM 8.8, CF 91.9, SF 23
I showed him as a lamb at WSWF and he was first in pair of ram lambs and first in best small flock as well as up in the ribbons for best fleece on hoof. This year as a two year old he was 2nd in senior rams and 4th in best small flock. He is carrying modifier and spots, and his mom was scurred so hoping for a few horned ewe lambs.
His group is quite large. He has a darker oatmeal colored fleece that I hope will translate to dark blue in the black katmogets he'll produce. i think he has 9 ewes. He's headed to SW PA in december.
His ewes tentatively this fall:
WhitePine Riko - Gray katmoget - she has placed all three years at the show (lamb, yearling, senior) One of my finest
WhitePine Urd - gray katmoget - she is another fine ewe with crisp markings and a great fleece
WhitePine Lyss - gray katmoget - dark fleece, placed as a lamb and this year as a yearling (2nd to Supreme Ch in her class)
Whitepine Aithsetter - gray katmoget smirslet - my finest adult ewe
WhitePine Nott - black ewe with super fine crimp
WhitePine Janeva - black ewe with great fleece
WhitePine Easter - gray katmoget
UnderTheSon Viva - moget with very fine fleece -
I really am hoping for very typey katmogets with nice dark fleeces and crisp markings. Many of them carry spots so may get that too. Overall a really nice group.
WhitePine Supay, PG1, two year old - black light badgerface yuglet sokket flecket horned ram. Sire: WhitePine Carver, Dam: WhitePine Skellister.
22.6 AFD, SD 4.4, CV 19.7, CEM 7.8, CF 96.5, SF 21.7
I don't purposely breed for spots so he was pretty fun when he was born. He was on my short list as a lamb but then offered him for sale at WSWF but no takers. I'm glad. He is one my finest adults i've had, and he's out of a horned ewe. I didn't put ewes in his group that I thought would produce spots, as that is not important to me. I did put them with him for a bit more of fineness, or put ewes with him that i thought would help him as his dept of chest should be a bit deeper if' i'm picky. He also is a rare light badgerface and i'm hoping he will propagate that pattern in his lamb crop. I think he also has 9 ewes. hoping for horned ewe lambs and horned rams. spots or LBF are bonus. He is headed to Missouri after breeding.
His ewes:
WhitePine Nyan - Ag LBF horned ewe.I literally will squeal with delight if i get LBF lambs
WhitePine Adicia - Fawn Kat - a great typey ewe. hoping he will make the crimp smaller.
WhitePine Renes - white - needs to be finer crimped, but otherwise a fantastic ewe
ShelteringPines Bengal - Bengal continues to produce and I hope she'll give me a smashing ram lamb
UnderTheSon Pashmina - white - hoping for finer fleeces in the lambs with her conformation.
WhitePine Yeshivas - black light badgerface smirslet
WhitePine Marpesia - musket
WhitePine New Glarus- white - she's back and i'm excited to see if i can get horned ewes!
UnderTheson Chenille - gray kat - she needs a finer crimp and he needs her body.
WhitePine Nechtan - PG2 (just barely)- two year old - musket horned ram - Sire: UnderTheSon Duke Cardiff, Dam: WhitePine Noche Bueno
25.1 AFD, 4.9 SD, CV 19.4, CEM 8.6, CF87, SF 24.2
He was born to a horned ewe as well, and he build and fleece are pretty special. As a yearling he was 2nd behind the eventual supreme champion winner at WSWF. His horns are bit heavy for me, but he is AG, a gene i want to promote and preserve as well. He could carry spots. I'm hoping for some grays and muskets with possible horns for both sexes. He is going to central Wisconsin once breeding season is over.
His ewes:
WhitePine Nike - moorit smirslet sookket
whitePine Neunkirch - black gulmoget/katmoget
WhitePine Nidau - white
WhitePine Orthia - gray katmoget
WhitePine Juno - gray katmoget
WhitePine Laga - moorit
Lancien Aida - white
ShelteringPines Adagio - fawn katmoget
UnderTheSon Maraca - black light badgerface
WhitePine Thalwell - PG1 - yearling black horned ram. Sire: UnderTheSone Duke Cardiff, Dam: WhitePine Taconite.
AFD 23.3, SD 4.6, CV 19.7, CEM 8.4, CF 93.,4, SF 22.4
This was a ram lamb that was available for sale at WSWF but again did not find a new home at that time. After the show, the UK judge visiting my flock could not stop remarking how lovely he was, what a great head and color, and crimp. I decided to keep him over winter and then this spring decided he was going to get bred to a few of my double patterned ewes, as well as some muskets to make me some grays (hopefully). He is so silky soft, and well mannered. He has the smallest group, but with my cutting back, makes it hard to have really large groups anymore. He's headed to Kentucky after breeding season.
Thalwell's ewes:
WhitePine Versoix - black gulmoget/katmoget. This pairing is really only to find out what patterns Versoix is, as phenotypically she looks different than her genotype tells me.
WhitePine Pacena - musket ewe and i'm hoping for grays!
WhitePine Bivina - musket ewe and i'm hoping for grays!
PS23 Lisal - musket ewe and I'm hoping for grays!
Wild Rose - gray katmoget - (Loki x New Glarus) hoping for dark kats or jet black
Traditional 1927 Shetland Sheep, Pedigree Blue Faced Leicesters and Traditional Simmental Cattle in the land of cheese.
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