Last year I leased 18 ewes out to other people for purebred lamb breeding. Since my flock is in the Scrapie program as well as tested negative for OPP, Johne's, CL and BTv, I want to make sure that that stays that way. Since I have a plethora of ewes, and am not going to be breeding them all pure this year for myself, I was going to use them fro crossbreeding for mules or other crosses for market lambs. Last year every ewe except one that i offered for lease was leased out so only had one ewe bred for mules last year.
This works for people who want to utilize the sheep and bloodlines that I have, but I'm not quite willing to sell them yet :)
Below is a list of the ewes available for leasing for this fall. They can be bred to any of my rams for a $35 breeding fee, plus $130 for feeding/boarding them. More details are available privately.
ShelteringPines Nirvana - horned gray katmoget. I have five of her daughters and a ram.
Sommarang Eva - gray katmoget. lovely ewe, I have three of her daughters
RiverOaks Lucy - gray katmoget poll carrier, I have two of her sons.
FirthofFifth Booto - fawn katmoget , probable poll carrier. Very typey ewe.
ShelteringPines Myra - fawn katmoget - deep bodied ewe that really produces. I've kept back two of her rams and she is very breed typical
ShelteringPines Nessebar - gray kat smirslet - deep bodied ewe who had amazing lambs when bred to Nekomis last year. I wish all my ewes looked liked this
RYL Rachildas - white/Ag ewe. Carries spots. homozygous black. has improved under ever ram I"ve used her on.
Justalit'l Chloe - homozygous fawn katmoget. She is one of my foundation ewes. I've kept everything out of her
FirthofFifth Taika - longer fleeced with more tip, carries moorit and spots. Produced some lovely lambs
ShelteringPines Fleur de Lis - smirslet gray katmoget. Lovely ewe that produces well. I've retained all her lambs
RiverOaks Eliza - white ewe - carries moorit and spots. She had awesome lambs this year when she was leased out to someone else.
FirthofFifth Tamarack - moorit gulmoget. she had lovely lambs out of Jazz last year
WSR Alisa - moorit light badgerface from Oregon.
Whistlestop Yuma - fawn ewe from Jim Chastain's flock
Whitestop Zariah - shaela ewe from Jim's flock
Whistlestop Xena - white ewe from Jims. F2 Ridland, very rare new bloodline Jim brought in.
Any of these ewes can be bred to any of the rams listed on my Current Rams page of the blog. Please inquire!
Traditional 1927 Shetland Sheep, Pedigree Blue Faced Leicesters and Traditional Simmental Cattle in the land of cheese.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
More Photos on WSWF
My new sign on Friday morning before the Ram/Ewe inspections and Judges Certification. My bestie friend Tylor made this sign design for me and I love how it turned out. I thought it looked nice against the morning sunrise as well.
The next two photos are of our highly esteemed judges from the UK, Kate Sharp from Scotland and Alan Hill from England. Both have had Shetlands for over 30 years, are both SSS Certified Judges and have judged shows on the Shetland Islands, as well as been SSS Committee members and Alan was the first Chairman of the SSS and is now the current Vice President. They have an amazing amount of knowledge and everyone was so receptive to their information and came away learning a lot and most were able to look at their flocks with a more critical eye. I can't wait for the DVD!

Below was WhitePine Caiphas. He was the ram that was used during the Ram Inspection talk. Kate and Alan have a great sense of humor and commented on my 'barely present' wool on poll (on me, not the sheep). Everyone got a good chuckle and I hope its not edited out because everyone should see them picking on me.
Four of my favorite people. From left to right Theresa, Lori, Juliann and Rich.. They made the weekend very special.
I also had a great first fleece show, taking a 3rd in the colored class with FirthofFifth Nekomis' fleece. The judges really loved me.
Also in the top 10 colored fleeces was WhitePine Lydia's fleece. Kate and Alan said that any of the 10 fleeces in the top would have won a show over there any given day they were all that good! So that was reassuring.
A photo of the ribbons I won. I earned two 3rd places, 3 fourth places and a 5 place. Kate and Alan also said that they would have awarded up to 10 places in most of the classes as there were so many quality animals in each class.
A shot of some of the fleeces on the hoof.
The next two photos are of our highly esteemed judges from the UK, Kate Sharp from Scotland and Alan Hill from England. Both have had Shetlands for over 30 years, are both SSS Certified Judges and have judged shows on the Shetland Islands, as well as been SSS Committee members and Alan was the first Chairman of the SSS and is now the current Vice President. They have an amazing amount of knowledge and everyone was so receptive to their information and came away learning a lot and most were able to look at their flocks with a more critical eye. I can't wait for the DVD!
Below was WhitePine Caiphas. He was the ram that was used during the Ram Inspection talk. Kate and Alan have a great sense of humor and commented on my 'barely present' wool on poll (on me, not the sheep). Everyone got a good chuckle and I hope its not edited out because everyone should see them picking on me.
Four of my favorite people. From left to right Theresa, Lori, Juliann and Rich.. They made the weekend very special.
I also had a great first fleece show, taking a 3rd in the colored class with FirthofFifth Nekomis' fleece. The judges really loved me.
Also in the top 10 colored fleeces was WhitePine Lydia's fleece. Kate and Alan said that any of the 10 fleeces in the top would have won a show over there any given day they were all that good! So that was reassuring.
A photo of the ribbons I won. I earned two 3rd places, 3 fourth places and a 5 place. Kate and Alan also said that they would have awarded up to 10 places in most of the classes as there were so many quality animals in each class.
A shot of some of the fleeces on the hoof.
The ram pen.
The ewes.
Overall the weekend was good. I didn't bring my very best sheep and when Kate and Alan saw my sheep at home they asked me why I didn't bring them to show under them. And i thought the ones I brought did OK. I guess that's a good thing they liked them eh?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I arrived Thursday evening around dusk to unload sheep. Kelly Bartels and her husband Mike were there and offered to help unload and pen my sheep. These two people are two of the most amazing people ever!! Always there to lend a hand and always full of positive vibes. Such good people. I did set up my tent in the dark and did get to sleep at a decent time.
Friday morning came early and I won't go in to detail about the days happenings as Rich and Theresa did a great job on their blogs describing the day. But I did want to show you this photo of myself and WhitePine Caiphas AI. He was sold to a chap in Maryland and was along for the inspection. While you cannot see his fleece well in this photo, he did have what we call bolder crimp and what Kate and Alan referred to as a wavy crimp. That totally baffled my mind as they described it as fine and wavy. Not to be confused with the 1927 Standard being wavy or 'fine waves'. He was fine, but not as fine as other rams I have. And again, both very finely crimped and fine waves are both acceptable and both are found in UK flocks. But both have the Shetland characteristics of their wool "memory, elasticity, density, crimp/wave". All things typical of a Shetland fleece.
As for our now traditional photo of Kelly, Briony and I in the bleachers we had to get a photo of us all waving at Corinne. We had to do it during the juniors class as we had entries in every other class (at least I did) and I wanted to thank Briony for all her help as well.
Below is WhitePine Nesse's Monster Mash (or M&M). He was pulled for the final lineup and I can't even remember if he placed or not LOL. my bad. He's now in a fantastic home in Iowa.
Below amongst friends is myself with WhitePine Skor, a 4 year old shaela ewe (solid color, not black/white fibers blended). She did quite well considering never being haltered before this year ;)
Another photo of Skor and I. My back was a wee bit sore from squatting, bending over, kneeling etc all day :).
The MSSBA potluck! At one point I counted 46 people at the set up. It was fantastic! Thanks to Briony and Matt for setting up! ALL of the lamb brats I brought were gone and the lamb sausage Michelle brought was all gone as well! All the food was fantastic and everyone enjoyed themselves fully.
Below is the ram lamb class again with M&M and the white ram lamb of mine that Briony showed. He is now in a fantastic home in Colorado and am so happy he went there :)
This was the first class...the senior rams. I have the black polled ram WhitePine Levi who was 5th in the class of 12 or so and behind me is Wintertime Jazz being shown by Briony. Both boys walked well having not been haltered before this year :)
Finally we have Sunday morning with Kate and Alan's talk on the Shetland Sheep, the Shetland Sheep Society and proper 1927 Standard Shetlands. This was taped by audio and will be part of the DVD from the Friday/Saturday inspections/judges certification and MSSBA Show.
Oh I also was 3rd in the colored fleeces at the fleece show with FirthofFifth Nekomis' fleece and in the top 10 with the other fleece I entered, WhitePine Lydia, who is out of Jazz and WinterSky Layla. A great start to my first fleece show!
After the show and seminars we headed back to my farm (Kate and Alan along with me). We spent two days going over my sheep, inspecting the rams, ewes, ram lambs and ewe lambs, and seeing the sites around here. I have never met such educated, selfless people who are more than happy to answer any questions we may have, educate us on what THEY know, inform us about the SSS, and help us with breeding direction etc. I am forever indebted to them for their time, patience, assistance, support and friendship. Words cannot express how I feel about this past weekend. Thank goodness we have the DVD coming out of the weekend for those of us who could NOT be there to still learn and be educated as well.
A few things I wanted to say:
1. Kate and Alan clarified many sticky spots in regards to the 1927 Standard, Appendix A (clarification of the 1927 Standard), what a Shetland fleece should look and feel like as well as length and crimp.
2. I"m more determined than ever to continue on this path of being a good steward of the Shetland Sheep and the 1927 Standard.
3. I'm eager to see what my breeding groups produce with the help of Kate and Alan's suggestions.
4. I realize now that I am on the right track for breeding 1927 standard Shetland Sheep and that really nothing else matters. I am breeding for what those in the SSS and the SFBT are breeding for and that is all that I care about. To have Kate and Alan say many of my sheep, or sheep from the show in general they would take home in a heartbeat meant a lot. And every time we drove my flock along the road they would say "look Alan (or Kate) that looks just like our flock at home!". You can't get better than that.
I'm not sure how we'll top this year:
One of the largest entries of Shetlands in North America ANYWHERE, EVER!
The largest for a UK judge in North America ever! Kate and Alan said they have never had a ewe lamb class of 37 ewe lambs...ever...anywhere in the UK or on the Shetland Islands.
The wealth of knowledge that was ingested by us Americans, and how everyone was SO receptive to all that was talked about.
The amount of laughter, jokes, hugs and congratulations passed by all those who were entered or ringside was amazing. What a great group of people! I believe this was the most fun ever for a show and I hope those of you who were on the fence about coming this year will for sure plan to come the next time we have a UK judge.
Yes I did ok in the ribbons, but it wasn't about the ribbons. Those animals that won, won because they deserved it. They were amazing sheep and i'm proud to have been considered for any placementst. There were a lot of Shetlands of quality there and I look forward to next year.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Bringing to Jefferson
I will have the following sheep at Jefferson available for sale:
WhitePine Radler - black scurred ram lamb - FirthofFifth Nekomis x FirthofFifth Rahu. For a Shetland he is a beef cake. Really pleased with him conformationally.
WhitePine Kaliber - gray katmoget polled ram lamb - WhitePine Levi (F1 Jamie) x FirthofFifth Koosi (F1 Jericho). Smooth polled, carries solid. Could carry spotted and moorit.
WhitePine Salvator - gray katmoget horned ram lamb - FirthofFifth Nekomis x WhitePine Salome (Jazz daughter who is yuglet sokket flecket and horned. Corinne Rasso has first right of refusal.
WhitePine Nastro Azuro - white horned ram lamb - WhitePine Roman x WhitePine Neriah. Probably one of the best matings I've ever had. I love this ram more and more and will keep him if he doesn't sell as he is that nice.
WhitePine Nesse's Monster Mash (M&M). He was sold to upstate New York but plans fell through so he is available. He is a horned gray katmoget with spots at birth. He could be homozygous katmoget but don't know unless test bred. His fleece alone is worth trying him out. He'll stay too if not sold.
WhitePine Maccabee - moorit ram lamb. FirthofFifth Nekomis x Sheltering Pines Myra. He's a handsome lad with smaller than typical horns. He's a beefy boy for a shetland (still breed typical) and will also stay here if not sold.
WhitePine Negra Modelo - black horned ram - WhitePine Roman x ShelteringPines Nirvana. Nirvana has produced 5 outstanding ewe lambs that I"ve retained them all. I don't think NM will be as fine as his sisters but he's still a handsome boy.
whitePine Calvinus - gray katmoget horned ram - WhitePine Caiphas x WhitePine Centennial. Not ideal half brother/sister mating but the results were absolutely amazing. When you see him you'll understand why. He's a bit younger than the rest as he was a result of the clean up ram in with the ewes, but he's a great ram lamb worth consideration.
Also two black ewe lambs WhitePine Fiji (WhitePine Roman x White Pine Festus) and WhitePine Raffle (WhitePine Barnabas x WhitePine Rush). Both are double F2s and will have a 5-6" staple length with more tip than I like, but very worthy of being bred.
Also will have a 2 year old F1 Holly fully horned ram available. His transport to Maryland fell through and will be available for sale.
WhitePine Radler - black scurred ram lamb - FirthofFifth Nekomis x FirthofFifth Rahu. For a Shetland he is a beef cake. Really pleased with him conformationally.
WhitePine Kaliber - gray katmoget polled ram lamb - WhitePine Levi (F1 Jamie) x FirthofFifth Koosi (F1 Jericho). Smooth polled, carries solid. Could carry spotted and moorit.
WhitePine Salvator - gray katmoget horned ram lamb - FirthofFifth Nekomis x WhitePine Salome (Jazz daughter who is yuglet sokket flecket and horned. Corinne Rasso has first right of refusal.
WhitePine Nastro Azuro - white horned ram lamb - WhitePine Roman x WhitePine Neriah. Probably one of the best matings I've ever had. I love this ram more and more and will keep him if he doesn't sell as he is that nice.
WhitePine Nesse's Monster Mash (M&M). He was sold to upstate New York but plans fell through so he is available. He is a horned gray katmoget with spots at birth. He could be homozygous katmoget but don't know unless test bred. His fleece alone is worth trying him out. He'll stay too if not sold.
WhitePine Maccabee - moorit ram lamb. FirthofFifth Nekomis x Sheltering Pines Myra. He's a handsome lad with smaller than typical horns. He's a beefy boy for a shetland (still breed typical) and will also stay here if not sold.
WhitePine Negra Modelo - black horned ram - WhitePine Roman x ShelteringPines Nirvana. Nirvana has produced 5 outstanding ewe lambs that I"ve retained them all. I don't think NM will be as fine as his sisters but he's still a handsome boy.
whitePine Calvinus - gray katmoget horned ram - WhitePine Caiphas x WhitePine Centennial. Not ideal half brother/sister mating but the results were absolutely amazing. When you see him you'll understand why. He's a bit younger than the rest as he was a result of the clean up ram in with the ewes, but he's a great ram lamb worth consideration.
Also two black ewe lambs WhitePine Fiji (WhitePine Roman x White Pine Festus) and WhitePine Raffle (WhitePine Barnabas x WhitePine Rush). Both are double F2s and will have a 5-6" staple length with more tip than I like, but very worthy of being bred.
Also will have a 2 year old F1 Holly fully horned ram available. His transport to Maryland fell through and will be available for sale.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Photo Heavy Fall
I had moments of time and wanted to show you a bit of my flock, since i've been obviously absent for awhile.
The first few photos are of the rams. Their new ram paddocks and they are LOVING it. All beefy (for a Shetland) and in pristine health and condition. I called in a deep voice "Here boys" and the first photo is what they did in response. I do not grain or treat my rams. And most are NOT friendly.
This is my F1 Heatheram Lightning ram, WhitePine City High. He is a modified katmoget out of FirthofFifth Koosi who is F1 Todhill Jericho. His horns last fall looked fatal, but they curved around and look pretty good now actually. He's really filled out this summer and I'm taking him to Jefferson with me.
Below the two black based katmogets (City high in the rear, and Flo Rida in the front). They are my yearlings I am showing this year. Fo Rida is F1 Holly out of ShelteringPines Fleur de Lis. FirthofFifth Kiso is in the far back and is a modified moorit katmoget with scurs. His sire is WhitePine Eprhaim, an F1 Orion who was mioget.
I love to pick on Stephen Rouse. He has grass this tall and says he is in a drought. I hope all of my 'droughts' are this plentiful :) :P Below are my 2 year olds with my 4 year old Jazz in the front. They have all really filled out this year and look really great.All of them are F1s except for Christian (black, horned) who is F2.
Then I went to see the girls in their rotationially grazed paddocks. This is day 2 of their grazing this pen and they didn't want to be moved and were for the most part wary of my presence. This is the closest they have been to the buildilngs since lambing.
Another shot. It was a bit brisk today at 65 and overcast and windy. Sure signs of fall.
Justalit'l Black Lambo. A vision at ten years of age. Behind her is her yearling gray katmoget Blu Cantrell (F1 Jericho) and behind them is Lambo's 2 year old F1 Orion daughter Bethany. I'm amazed at the family groups that stay bonded even when seperated for lambing or breeding groups.
Sheltering Pines Catalonia. One of two BFL adult ewes left on my farm. She's never been friendly until this year and she was a welcome guest for scratches.
Winter Sky Layla almost came up to me. she is a mioget F1 Orion out of Underhill Loretta Lynne. she was bred purebred two years and two years to the BFL for mules. Her lambs are always growthy, and her first year shetland ram was a tasty yearling i butchered and ate. Her lamb this year is a Mule ram lamb so I'll probably keep him to eat too.
The first few photos are of the rams. Their new ram paddocks and they are LOVING it. All beefy (for a Shetland) and in pristine health and condition. I called in a deep voice "Here boys" and the first photo is what they did in response. I do not grain or treat my rams. And most are NOT friendly.
This is my F1 Heatheram Lightning ram, WhitePine City High. He is a modified katmoget out of FirthofFifth Koosi who is F1 Todhill Jericho. His horns last fall looked fatal, but they curved around and look pretty good now actually. He's really filled out this summer and I'm taking him to Jefferson with me.
Below the two black based katmogets (City high in the rear, and Flo Rida in the front). They are my yearlings I am showing this year. Fo Rida is F1 Holly out of ShelteringPines Fleur de Lis. FirthofFifth Kiso is in the far back and is a modified moorit katmoget with scurs. His sire is WhitePine Eprhaim, an F1 Orion who was mioget.
I love to pick on Stephen Rouse. He has grass this tall and says he is in a drought. I hope all of my 'droughts' are this plentiful :) :P Below are my 2 year olds with my 4 year old Jazz in the front. They have all really filled out this year and look really great.All of them are F1s except for Christian (black, horned) who is F2.
Then I went to see the girls in their rotationially grazed paddocks. This is day 2 of their grazing this pen and they didn't want to be moved and were for the most part wary of my presence. This is the closest they have been to the buildilngs since lambing.
Another shot. It was a bit brisk today at 65 and overcast and windy. Sure signs of fall.
Below is my true shaela (whole color, not blend of black/white fibers) WhitePine Skor. Her daughter is a Levi offspring who looks like she may be modified as well. I'll know more when shearing comes as it took her mother and grandmother the same amount of time to tell me what they would be. Skor is a bit lower in leg than some of my others (the word diversity strikes me here) and her daughter has the same lower leg, which is fine with me!
Justalit'l Black Lambo. A vision at ten years of age. Behind her is her yearling gray katmoget Blu Cantrell (F1 Jericho) and behind them is Lambo's 2 year old F1 Orion daughter Bethany. I'm amazed at the family groups that stay bonded even when seperated for lambing or breeding groups.
Sheltering Pines Catalonia. One of two BFL adult ewes left on my farm. She's never been friendly until this year and she was a welcome guest for scratches.
Winter Sky Layla almost came up to me. she is a mioget F1 Orion out of Underhill Loretta Lynne. she was bred purebred two years and two years to the BFL for mules. Her lambs are always growthy, and her first year shetland ram was a tasty yearling i butchered and ate. Her lamb this year is a Mule ram lamb so I'll probably keep him to eat too.
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A long time coming!
It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...
Its always fun to switch it up a bit. I know some of you like to hear about my pigeons and cattle from time to time, as this IS a farm blog,...
It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...