WhitePine Vinshu - fawn katmoget - horned ram (WhitePine City High AI x Whistlestop 1201) was chosen really last minute as we were not able to use Pluto, like we anticipated.
Vinshu is a handsome fella, whos' first fleece sample microned around 20 AFD. He is conformationally sound, with great horns and a great prescence. Most of his ewes are brown based but hoping for really pretty babies to move forward with. Not the best shot of the ewes, and now they are coated as well, so can't see a lot but descriptions are below:
These two ewes are WhitePine Nemesis (WhitePine Carver x WhitePine New Glarus)(1st place colored lamb fleece out of 31 fleeces at MSBBA fleece show 2016) and WhitePine Jah (WhitePine Perfection x ShelteringPines Bengal.
ShelteringPines Classique - fawn/light moorit - reserve Ch ewe 2012 under Letty Klein. She will be offered for sale in 2017 as I'm moving out my moorit ewes. Love her ewe lineage and she's produced well.
Sheltering Pines Anais - gray katmoget - triplet sister to about ewe, Classique. Hoping for some lovely katmogets from this match.
PS23 Josey - moorit - ewe who i retained her ram and ewe lambs from this year, and so next summer she'll be available as well. Smaller ewe who produces well.
UnderTheSon 14148 moorit - from Theresa Gygi's flock. she's well put together ewe whos very typey.
WhitePine Nemesis - horned gray katmoet yuglet sokket flecket - Carver x New Glarus. she carries modified as well.
WhitePine Jah - fawn katmoget (Perfection x Bengal) hoping for typey correct katmogets!
WhitePine Nike - moorit smirslet sokket - Carver x WhitePine NinaSky AI - Truly hoping for dark farn katmoget. Trying to see if Vinshu carries spots
WhitePine Nicevenn - WhitePine Perfection x WhitePine Noss - dark gray katmoget, love her fleece and look.
Overall I expect these sheep to be quality sheep, that conform to the breed standard as clarified by appendix A. That means looking like sheep from the UK, with correct breed type, correct wool characteristics and all the primitive qualities that make us love the Shetlands so much. I'm really trying to produce quality sheep in all colors/patterns but really love the katmogets, Ags, and whites.
Traditional 1927 Shetland Sheep, Pedigree Blue Faced Leicesters and Traditional Simmental Cattle in the land of cheese.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
ShelteringPines King Louis' breeding group (5 of 6)
King Louis was one of the last ram lambs of superior quality that Stephen bred before he had to move from his farm. He was, in my opinion, the best lamb that year. And aside from a shorter fleece, he has all the qualites i'm after in a ram. Fine, Crimpy, Dense, Silky, Lustrous. I've been wanting to use him for a few winters and this is his one chance here. Since I'm moving out my moorits, he has been sold, but I've been able to keep him to use him this fall. The logical ewes to put with him are the Ag or double patterned ewes, in hopes of getting more Ag lambs. They all have a bit longer fleece to hopefully have lambs with their length, but his crimp.
Louis's dam is a ewe I've long admired of Stephens, and if you ask me, he has always been, and still remains, one of the top breeders of 1927 Standard Shetlands.
WhitePine Noss is in here to be bred and then moved. She was purchased last month and I"m excited to see what she has with Louis.
WhitePine Brettabister is a fawn katmoget ewe, SSS inspected/passed in 2015. Last year she produced a stunning ram lamb, but will be offering her for sale as a bred ewe as I believe she's polled. (WhistleStop 1222 x WhitePine Blu Cantrell AI) Her grandmother is a polled ewe, Lambo, who I had an is an credible pedigree. Sire is nothing but island genetics and he was well put together as well.
UnderTheSon Viva - Ag/kat (triplet sister to Duke) is here and she produced an interesting ewe lamb with a gulmoget sire this spring, so putting her with Duke to make sure she is genetically Ag/Ab and not something else.
PS23 Ingrid - gray - (Sommarang Gilroy x PS23 Edelwiss) is from Laura's flock and she has a beautiful dark blue fleece for an Ag. hoping that she produces that, as Louis is such a dark, rich moorit color.
PS23 Irene - black - (Sommarang Gilroy x PS23 Funzie) is another from Laura. She produced twin ram lambs this year and so hoping for lovely black ewe lambs from this pairing next year.
PS23 Lisal - musket (PS23 Knight x PS23 Jessica) is another ewe I bought from Laura. I'd wish for better ears on her, but otherwise she's lovely. She's a grandaughter to PS23 Isabelle who i cherished but ended up selling to a newer FF breeder.
WhitePine Nivea AI - Gray katmoget (Todhill Jericho x ShelteringPines Nirvana) is homozygous katmoget so i'm cheating here and getting katmogets from this breeding! hoping her luster and his crimp combine for some great fleece.
WhitePine Neap - black light badgerface (Whistlestop 1123 x WhitePine Naomi) horned ewe produced lovely lambs the last two years, so hoping for another ewe lamb I can retain and then offer her up for sale. Finer crimp, with her length of fleece would be ideal.
WhitePine Gaia - gray katmoget (WhitePine City High AI x ShelteringPines Classique) is a ewe who is put together so well, just hope for crimp, as she has the length.
WhitePine Nemetona - gray katmoget (WhitePine 1334 Perfection x WhitePine Nivea AI) is a dark katmoget I'm hoping will produce more blue/gray fleece with Louis' dark moorit.
WhitePine Marpesia - musket (UnderTheSon Duke Cardiff x ShelteringPines Mademoiselle) is a fantastic ewe. No matter how you look at her she's pretty perfect. Hoping for more Ag lambs.
Overall i was looking for his density and crimp and dark color to be used on these ewes. I'll be offering Neap, Nivea, Ingrid and Irene for sale next year out of this group.
WhitePine Crosby's Breeding group (4 of 6)
Crosby was a ram lamb that I really didn't want to part with when he was a lamb. Lori S. had inquired about a quality ram and i offered him to her with the agreement I get first refusal if she decided to move him on. After two years of using him, she asked me if I wanted him back and I jumped on it. His dam, ShelteringPines Classique, has a ewe family I've long admired, and his sire, Jazz is out of Todhill Jericho and a whistlestop ewe who has done a lot for fine fleece shetlands.
To boot, he carries spots, moorit and modified and has a lovely blue-gray fleece, which seems to be lacking in about half of the katmogets in the US. My plan was to use Crosby this fall and then slaughter him, but I may need to keep him around at least until his lambs start to develop. I have a lot of ewes with him, but two are here to be bred and two i'm hoping to offer as bred. So Crosby has 18 ewes.
UnderTheSon 14148 - fawn katmoget - is a yearling ewe from Theresa that I got as a lamb. Her fleece and conformation is quite incredible. she needs some more time to develop but she should finish maturing next year on the lush pastures.
PS23 Isadora and Lancien Athena are going to Iowa as bred ewes.
WhitePine Bivina - musket - is available as a bred ewe from this group. She produces large horned rams with great fleece, dense and crimpy.
Sommarang Isla - moorit/fawn - is available as a bred ewe from this group. Her ewe lambs in the past have been wonderful, with lines I like to work with. But shes moorit ;)
Sheltering Pines Bengal - gray katmoget (SP Starry Night x Underhill Alix) is a ewe I"ve love admired with lines that are easy to work with. She has produced three outstanding ewe almbs for me, so hoping for a horned ram from her this next year. She'll be 9 this next year but she is incredible soft, silky, crimpy and in great condition. I'm hoping with her blue/gray fleece as well as Crosbys that I"ll get more of it, but guessing she'll have nice stuff no matter the color.
Lancien Aida - white - (Lofty Pine's Krill Spot x Underihll Madame Butterfly) is another ewe I love for her lines, and how she has produced. She gave me twin rams this year so hoping for white ewe lambs out of this pairing. She'll be 8 next year so hoping for a few more productive years with her.
WhitePine Snow Patrol - gray katmoget horned (Jazz x ShelteringPines Snow Cloud) is a half sister to the ram, but both have the lovely blue gray fleece. Hoping for katmogets and maybe a horned ewe lamb to replace her, as Snow Patrol will be offered for sale next summer, as i've kept quite a bit from her.
WhitePine Aithsetter - gray katmoget smirslet (WhitePine Flo Rida AI x WhitePine Adele AI) She is one of my finest ewes and goes back to Greenholme Holly closely, one of the original rams imported and is out of Adele which is my finest ewe line. Her blue/gray fleece is again in hopes of lots of katmogetes.
WhitePine Lydia - gray katmoget (Jazz x Layla) is another half sibling but hoping to solidify the type and the dark blue/gray fleece of both parents. Lydia has repeatedly been a good producer so hoping for more katmogets next year.
WhitePine Nott - black - (UnderTheSon Duke Cardif x WhitePine Noche Bueno) is a very fine, black ewe with extreme crimp. She was so nice I had to keep her (and she's obnoxiously friendly). Hoping her dark fleece will produce more black like her or katmoget!
WhitePine Riko - gray katmoget (WhitePine City High AI x WhitePine Roseau) is a beautiful typey ewe with probably the best fleece I sheared in June. Just tickled with how well she's done in the show ring and so anxious to see her lambs with Crosby.
WhitePine Orthia - gray katmoget (WhitePine City High AI x Whistlestop 1234) is half sister to the above ewe with high UK bloodlines. She was FFSSA Champion in Colorado in June 2016 and placed 4th in Jefferson in a competitive yearling class, right behind Riko. They also helped me get best pair of ewe lambs in 2015, best small flock 2015, third place small flock 2016, and 2nd best fleeece on hoof 2015. So anything from this should also be nice :)
WhitePine Urd - gray katmoget (WhitePine City High AI x Shelterpines Amarige) is another half sister to above and I'm anxious to see what is produced. She has the length and luster and density i'm after, and extremely well marked.
WhitePine Laga - moorit (WhitePine Carver x WhitePine Lydia) is a typey moorit. hoping her dark fleece translates to dark katmoget lamb fleeces. Her fleece is ridiculously crimpy but looking to get a bit more length on it (its 3.5" full fleece)
WhitePine Atina - moorit (WhitePine Carver x WhitePine Adele AI) is another typey moorit who looks a lot like her mother. Very crimpy again, and hoping for more length. She's extremely fine.
WhitePine Eosha - musket yuglet flecket sokket (UnderTheSon Duke Cardiff x WhitePine Eureka) was a surprise when I got out to the lambing jug. Her fleece is extremely dense, extremely crimpy and everything about her is correct. I just wish for a bit silkier handle, so she's in here for that (and to see if I can get more spots)
WhitePine Juno - gray katmoget (WhitePine 1334 Perfection x ShelteringPines Bengal) is a dark blue/gray fleeced, dense ewe whos tame, typey and correct. Just excited to see what she produces.
Overall the group was put together to get more blue/gray katmogets that are correct and sound, typey and fine. I really don't think there is a ton to improve upon, just wishing for more of the same, but younger :)
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
KSpirit Farm Cedar's breeding group (group 3 of 6)
When Donna and I first started enabling each other a few years ago, she teased me with this horned gulmoget ram. Since most gulmogets with fine wool are polled, i was a bit skeptical over how much crimp or fineness or softness this ram would have. She sent me a sample last spring and I was really pleased with it. Well as enabling happens, she ended up getting one of my favorite ram lambs last year and it was agreed I'd get Cedar this year. We both know his horns are close (not touching) and that we would need to consider that, as well as keep back ram lambs with good horn spacing (not too wide, but not too close). I had planned on eating him after this years breeding groups, but he's pretty nice so will hold on to him to make sure we get something gulmoget with nicer horns.
There are 11 ewes in here but only 9 are mine/will be staying here.
WhitePine Des'ree is going to Iowa as a bred ewe, and GlenTam Ganymede is here to get bred. She's a knockout ewe, so honored they brought her here to be bred.
That leaves 9:
WhitePine Taconite - black gulmoget (OK Acres Cadillac x Black Forest Tilly). Throwing all my gulmoget chances to one breeding. Let's hope they produce them! She really produces.
WhitePine Ady - black light badger face (Whistlestop 1123 x FirthofFifth Ashegon). She is a great producer so whatever she throws will be nice.
WhitePine Pacena - musket - (FirthofFifth Nekomis x Owlhill Pranilla AI). She's a sweetie who also produces well.
Whistlestop 1241 "Heylor" - fawn/moorit (WS 1108 x WS 0922). constant producer of high quality modified sheep, i'm hoping for some lovely miogets or gulmogets from this.
WhitePine NinaSky AI - gray katmoget smirslet sokket (Todhill Jericho x ShelteringPines Nirvana). She's been a fantastic producer as well and so i'm hoping she'll really click with Cedar.
WhitePine Niamh - fawn (WhitePine Carver x WhitePine Neriah) is a beautiful yearling with the perfect fleece length, crimp, handle, silkiness, density. She's also friendly. Hoping she produces like her mom.
WhitePine Frigg - fawn smirslet sokket (WhitePine Carver x WhitePine Foley) is another yearling who really came in to herself this year. I'm excited to see if she'll produce some spotties or modifieds
WhitePine Kali - fawn (WhitePine Carver x WhitePine Isbister) is another beautiful yearling who really came in to her own this summer. she's a beautiful ewe and hoping for more greatness here.
WhitePine Adicia - fawn katmoget (WhitePine City High x WhitePine Aywick) is one of the typiest ewes i've had with phenominal looks and fleece from birth right on through to adulthood. I really wanted to put her in all four groups but had to make up my mind. Let's see some magic happen here too.
Overall the ewes in this group were put here for either more fleece length, more density or if nothing else, because they are great sheep and I hope for more modifieds (so I can offer them to friends who produce those colors more specifically)
In my quest to move out my moorit based sheep, Niamh, Frigg and Kali and 1241/Heylor, will be available midsummer of 2017. If you would like to put down a deposit, I would be happy to hold them until that time for you.
breeding goals,
breeding groups,
ewes for sale,
finer fleeces,
Shetland Sheep,
UK shetlands,
Breeding Groups Part 1 and 2 and ewe lambs
Since early on in my sheep life, I have been drawn to the BlueFaced Leicesters. After seeing what some were doing here in the USA, to mimic the Three Tier System in the UK, the farm back in Minnesota was a perfect place for rotational grazing a mostly commercial mule flock and small purebred groups of BFL and Shetlands. Reality however is a bit different story.
I have now procured some ewes that are ridiculously easy keepers and gain well on just grass. I'm hoping for lambs that follow in their footsteps. The ram is from Ann and he carries color (as do several of the white ewes) so hoping for a variety to pick from to keep back next year! Ideally looking to keep 10 total ewes. Their fleece sells and I've had a waiting list for ram lambs for quite some time. Thank you again Lisa, Becky, Nancy and Stephen for the ewes!
From the BFL x Shetland cross, we call those Shetland Mules and at one point in Minnesota I had about 50 of those working girls in my flock and crossed them with Finn, Leicester Longwool and Texel with great results. Reality of farming like drought and inability to market them that far north, made me liquidate most of my incredible flock. I had offered these three remaining ewes (all born 2012) this year but no bites, so I went and found a Romeldale/CVM ram again from Sandy back in Minnesota to put over them. Last year I had a CVM ram LAMB cover 40 ewes, including these mules and some pure Shetlands and they were incredibly growthy, their wool was incredible and they taste delicious!
Hoping for three sets of twins from this group so I can get some of my meat customers satisfied, as well as fill my own freezer again. Yes that is a ram lamb. Hes all of 140 pounds and bigger than my mature Mules who are around 120-130 pounds. There won't be 50 mules on the farm, but I"ll keep a few i think for market lamb production, until my hay field and pastures tell me I have to move some sheep out.
Lastly is a photo of my ewe lambs that I'll be overwintering here. I have a colored BFL ewe lamb from Lisa in Ohio, a few Leicester Longwools from Anne in Montana, and then the Shetland ewe lambs:
Not named yet , but parentage below:
Sommarang Luca x UnderTheSon Viva - she should be At/Ab but doesn't really look it.
WhitePine Aith x WhitePine Snow Patrol - gray katmoget with blue fleece. very typey and great build.
WhitePine Loki x Lancien Clarice - white ewe lamb. very lustrous, dense and typey.
WhitePine Aith x ShelteringPines Bengal - black ewe lamb. built perfectly, typey, dense.
UnderTheSon Duke Cardiff x WhitePine Neap - Ag/Albf horned ewe lamb. my favorite lamb this year. dense, crimpy, silky, lustrous, put together perfectly.
UnderTheSon Duke Cardiff x WhitePine Lydia - gray katmoget. beautiful dark blue fleece and put together well. dense, crimpy, silky.
Whistlestop 1123 "Elite" x PS23 Josey - black light badgerface smirslet. she and her brother were both retained. gorgeous.
Sommarang Luca x WhitePine Nina Sky AI - black gul/kat ewe. put together near perfect. just wish for a more dense fleece.
WhitePine Loki x WhitePine Noss - white ewe. aside from her pigment lacking around her eyes and nose she's my ideal white sheep.
UnderTheSon Duke Cardiff x ShelteringPines Anais - Ag/Ab musket katmoget. extremely crimpy, refined and dense, hoping her hocks get stronger as she grows.
UnderTheSon Duke Cardiff x WhitePine Des'ree - gray ewe lamb. She's pretty perfect. hard to fault her.
UnderTheSon Duke Cardiff x PS23 Jessica - moorit ewe lamb. Typey, dense, silky, put together well.
that's 12 hopefuls to be integrated in to the flock next year. That means 12 adults will need to leave next year if these are to get spots. Every year I saw my lambs are better and this year is no different. I'm glad i'm making inroads on some of the more rare patterns, colors, horns etc, while still maintaining breed standard type, world renowned Shetland fleece characteristics and primitive traits.
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It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...