Monday, December 8, 2008

I was Tagged (new one!)

Penni wants to know what six things make us happy. Sadie, Oliver, Zoe and Ell have asked me to type their answers because their paws do not work on the keyboard.

1. Herding. We don't care if its Guinea hens, chickens, ducks, sheep, goats, cattle or each other! We could do it all day and love to see what might be needing a good chase.

2. Raw Diet. We have never been this excited for 'breakfast' ever! We have gotten things like chicken wings, hearts, livers, ground lamb or beef, eggs, veggies, yogurt and our favorite is cottage cheese! We also love ice cream when its one of our birthdays or Christmas! We have what dad calls "ice cream eyes" which nearly bug out when we hear the ice cream dishes clinking in the cupboard.

3. Sleeping in bed with dad. We are not shy about being bed hogs. Sometimes when dad gets really upset he'll go out to lay on the sofa and we just follow him out there. We like to be as close as possible to him while we sleep, sometimes even on top of him to make sure we are close enough

4. Going to our kennel club. We have a fan club and a following at the kennel club! We love to see our doggie and people friends there and every week someone different gets to go along for the ride and we love barking at cars on the two lane roads that meet us and drive really fast past us. Sometimes we almost get them! (so we think)

5. Our back yard. Every time our dad says "kennel" we race to the back door barking and trying to push the door open so we can be the first into the back yard. Now that there is actually snow we love to roll around in and chase each other around the dog igloos,the trees and we could spend hours outside only dad doesn't think thats a good idea when its so cold, but we don't seem to mind!

6. Toys (both squeaky and chewable kinds). We love it when we get new bones or chew toys (nylabone mostly) or squeaky toys. some of our favorites are "squeaky frog", "squeaky pheasant", "squeaky ball", "the puppy", THE ball, and raw bones to chew on!

We like lots of other things, but those are our favorites. We want to know their six favorite things from:

Holly at Visions

Laura at Cooper Creek

Sarah at Hurrikane

Dawn at Daybreake

Sherilyn and Rus at Winjammin

Carolyn at C-Myste

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A long time coming!

 It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...