Thursday, September 23, 2010

Micron Results Part 3 Shetland Ewes

The below microns are from all my yearling to mature (nine years old) ewes.

This fleece sample is 10 months of fleece, on only grass/forbes pasture, some very high in green alfalfa and red clover, but all had grasses and other forbs in them. I cannot find any correlation between higher protein in the pasture and higher microns as most ewes stay fairly consistent from last year's microns.

All samples taken first week of March before shearing, from last rib, mid-side.

Many of these ewes were used in cross breeding this past year, so their numbers were not passed on to purebred stock.

Mic Ave SD Mic CV Mic CEM SF Mic
FirthofFifth ASHANTI 24.4 5.7 23.2 9.6 24.2
WhitePine BETHANY 24 5 20.9 8.7 23.3
FirthofFifth BOOTO 27.3 6.9 25.4 13.5 27.7
Owl Hill BUTTER 23.8 5.5 23 10.3 23.6
WhitePine CANDACE 25.9 6.5 25.1 12.3 26.1
WhitePine CENTENNIAL 27.1 5 18.6 8.5 25.8
WhitePine CHARITY 22.5 6.2 27.7 13.1 23.3
Justalit'l CHLOE 30.3 6.5 21.6 12.6 29.6
River Oaks ELIZA 26.7 6.5 24.3 12.5 26.8
Sommarang EMERALD 28.3 7 24.7 14.1 28.5
Sommarang EVA 28.3 5.6 19.7 9.5 27.2
WhitePine EVE 25 6.1 24.5 12.7 25.1
WhitePine FAITH 21.8 5.1 23.6 9.5 21.7
WhitePine FESTUS 25.9 5.8 22.2 10.2 25.5
ShelteringPines FLEUR DE LIS 28.8 6.1 21.4 10.9 28.1
Minwawe FLOPSY 27.7 7.5 26.9 15.1 28.5
Wintertime GALINA 27.6 7.2 26.1 14.9 28.1
Justalit'l LAMBO 26.9 5.8 21.5 11 26.3
WinterSky LAYLA 26.8 6 22.2 11.6 26.4
River Oaks LUCY 29.6 4.6 15.5 7.1 27.6
WhitePine LYDIA 24.4 3.9 15.8 6.7 22.8
Owl Hill MISS LILLY 29.4 5 16.9 9.3 27.7
ShelteringPines MYRA 28.2 5.3 18.8 9.3 26.9
WhitePine NAOMI 25.5 5.5 21.8 9.9 25
WhitePine NERIAH 23.7 5.5 23.1 9.8 23.5
ShelteringPines NESSEBAR 28.1 6 21.2 10.5 27.4
ShelteringPines NIRVANA 28.3 5.2 18.5 8.6 27
Owl Hill PRANILLA 30.2 5.3 17.5 9.3 28.5
RYL RACHILDAS 32.2 6.6 20.5 12.3 31.2
FirthofFifth RAHU 29.3 5.4 18.5 9.2 27.9
Minwawe REDBUD 24.4 6 24.7 12.9 24.6
WhitePine RUSH 27 5.1 18.9 9.2 25.9
WhitePine SALOME 27 5.4 20.1 9.6 26.1
Minwawe SEA BREEZE 28.2 8 28.2 18.8 29.4
WhitePine SEDALIA 26.6 4.8 17.9 8.3 25.3
WhitePine SKOR 24.6 6.1 24.6 13.1 24.7
FirthofFifth TAIKA 24.2 6.1 25 12.9 24.5
WhitePine TERAH 24.7 5.2 21.2 9.8 24.1
Black Forest TILLY 23.9 6.5 27 14.6 24.6
Underhill ULLA 31.3 8.1 25.9 15.9 31.9

averages 26.748 5.89 22.11 11.19 26.31

thoughts? :)


Michelle said...

Looks like I was the fool for selling Butter!

Rayna said...

Very nice, as usual :)

Becky Utecht said...

Ouch, I wonder what happened to Lucy's fleece this year. Surprising that it microned so high yet pretty low in SD and CV. Kind of like Hannah's unusually high results this year...after three years of testing it jumped about 3 microns higher than normal.

Kelly said...

Very impressive Garrett....looks like I better find a ewe or 2 from your flock in future years.

A long time coming!

 It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...