After great demand by the public to see how my lambs are growing I'm posting a few my girls. I've been so busy since the horrendous shearing episode I don't even want to talk about it. The moms look terrible so try to focus on the lambs! :) I do have more lambs available than pictured here. My evaluations on my lambs will take most of the summer, however you are welcome to inquire about any you see or read about. Some lambs that are available now are just not fitting in with my overall goals at THIS TIME. That doesn't mean they are any less correct or soft as others that I'm holding on to to further evaluate. I also will be traveling to several sheep shows so transportation to those shows is definitely doable.

Minwawe Miracle's twin ram lambs. Minwawe Sky and Minwawe Cloud, both Ag, Both spotted. Both adorable. Remember Miracle is a Pandemonium daughter, who is the softest ewe Peeps ever had. These boys will add spots AND nice fleece. Big boys already.

Another photo of the black/white flecket boy Sky.

Here is my Peyton boy! He's krunet, gulmoget and Ag. He sure is a looker! Completely solidly built, square and will be SOFT

A side photo of Peyton. His tail looks long really isn't. Very correct. Horns will be slow growing, possibly tea cup like his dad Forrest. I might just show him at Jefferson and MFF if he doesn't sell.

L to R Westminster (LRO Wren's lamb) and Castle Rock and Centennial (both out of Justalit'l Chloe. All three are from Jazz. For now..All are being retained :)

Castle Rock

Castle Rock and Centenial rears

Centennial again

Centennial's rear. I am showing her this fall. She was my very first lamb this year and still my favorite :)

Westminster again

Rush (not for sale) my F2 Orion girl. Super crimp, no fall out in the britch. Friendly little ewe lamb.

F2 Jericho twin ewe lambs. These are my bottle lambs. One will be available for sale even though it will break my heart :) Will be intermediate in fleece but very soft, and correct.

White Pine Twix. moorit yearling ewe that was not bred. She has a small moonspot that you can see at her last rib, mid side. She microned very nice at AFD 22, SD 8.6 CV of 26. She is very soft but is on the smaller side and as last year she was disowned by her mother early on as her mom had only one good side of her udder to feed her other lamb.

Two photos of a moorit smirslet sokket, Minwawe Twister Sister. She is a twin out of Windsprite who is shaela and her dad is Minwawe Crackers, a black and white yuglet flecket. She may also be modified. Her only fault that I see is her longer tail but bred to a ram with a nice fluke tail, she should throw gorgeous lambs! I'm keeping her twin sister, Sea Breeze and I can't keep them all!

Flopsy's black krunet ewe lamb, Mopsy II. She has the 'bedroom eyes' and is just the sweetest girl. I was planning on keeping her but I have several black krunet lambs of my own that I am planning on keeping. She carries modified AND spots as her dad was Minwawe Captain, a yuglet sokket or HST ram.
The cute little Ag grey flecket ewe lamb Minwawe Merry go Round, may possibly be available pending fleece evaluation. I'm retaining her mother and grandmother (the black ewe lamb is her aunt) and have several Ag ewes already. She is spotted and should be nicely fleeced as her dad is Minwawe Frosty and he was quite soft according to Peeps.

Cottontail and Mopsy II (flopsy's twins). He's an HST black ram with nice horn growth and beefy square build

What a handsome devil he is!