FirthofFifth Nekomis sired the following lambs:
x ShelteringPines Nessebar (gray kat) = gray kat smirslet ram, fawn kat krunet ram
x OwlHill Pranilla (Ag gray) = gray kat ewe, musket ewe
x FirthofFifth Rahu (white illget) = black ram
x WhitePine Terah (black) = gray kat smirslet ewe
x Whistlestop 0916 "Zariah" (shaela) = moorit ewe and fawn kat ewe
x Whistlestop 0934 "Xena" (white) = black ram, black ewe
Wintertime Jazz sired the following lambs:
x FirthofFifth Booto (fawn kat) = gray kat ram and gray kat ewe
x WhitePine Charity (gray kat) = gray kat ram
x RiverOaks Eliza (white) = white ram and gray kat ram
x Sommarang Emerald (black flecket) = black smirslet sokket brandet ewe, gray katmoget bersugget ram
x WhitePine Eve (mioget) = gray katmoget ewe (looks to be modified!)
x Wintertime Galina (black gulmoget) = gray katmoget krunet ram, black gul/kat smirlset ewe
x BlackForest Tamarack (moorit gulmoget) = black gulmoget krunet ewe, black krunet ram
x WSR Alisa (moorit light badgerface) = gray katmoget krunet, black light badgerface ewe
x FirthofFifth Sukhada (black gulmoget) = gray katmoget ram
WhitePine Levi sired the following lambs:
x FirthofFifth Ashanti (mioget smirslet) = black ewe, moorit ewe
x FirthofFifth Koosi (gray katmoget) = gray katmoget (polled) ram
x WhitePine Skor (shaela) = black ewe
WhitePine Roman sired the following lambs:
x WhitePine Festus (black smirslet) = black smirslet ewe
x Justalit'l Chloe (homozyous fawn katmoget) = white ram with tons of phaeo or giant white spot fawn katmoget. I will have to look tomorrow when he's dry!
WhitePine Barnabas sired the following lambs:
x WhitePine Faith (gray katmoget krunet sokket) = fawn katmoget krunet sokket ram
x WhitePine Rush (white) = black ewe
x RiverOaks Lucy (gray katmoget) = fawn katmoget ram (polled) and moorit smirslet (polled) ram
I think that's its for the Shetlands.
Beechtree WyCliffe (purebred white BFL ram) sired the following lambs:
x Beechtree Kearsley (white) = white ewe
x Beechtree Kershope (white) = white ewe, english blue ram
x Cross Wind Clover (white) = white ewe, white ram
x ShelteringPines Catalonia (white) = white ewe, white ram
x Beechtree GlenLuce (english blue) = white ewe
I'm trying to think of something clever and all that comes out is WOW!! I'm sitting here a single and as set of cross bred triplets. lol
We are overrun with bouncing Shetland babies. Thanks to ear tags I can tell whose are whose.Ruben was a busy man in November. All twins.
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