I was looking at the British Simmental Cattle Society website today and had to agree with them :) These are the reasons I have my Simmental:
* Easy To Handle
* Excellent Mothering Ability
* High & Long Term Fertility
* Short Intervals Between Calving
* Good Grass Converters
* Early Maturity
* Longevity
* Good Growth Rates
I could give you many examples for each reason given above, but you'll have to come seem them for yourself to believe me! They are also used for being outstanding suckler cows and fast growing terminal sires.
Better yet, their meat is very tender and flavorful! In America there is even more good news for the Simmental. The American Simmental Association is the LEADING breed association the United States for their innovative Carcass Merit research, bull tests, complete cow data which furthers the importance of the female, after so many breeds have relied so heavily on only the bull side of the breedings.
Simmental Genetics in the US have gone through a transformation over the past 15 years like no other genetic source in the beef industry. Intense research and selection for production and end product traits have positioned SimGenetics at or near the top of all Continental breeds for growth, efficiency, quality grade and retail yield. The time has come to take advantage of these genetic improvements by identifying feeder cattle that carry the added value of Simmental.
A little more history on the breed:
Production strains
Three major production strains have evolved:
* Milk strain - Possessing higher milk yield performance
* Dual purpose strain - With balanced milk and beef performance
* Beef strain - Featuring higher growth and carcase performance
Simmental cattle have proved very successful in crossbreedings with beef breeds to improve growth and milk performance. Simmentals, when used in crossbreeding on dairy breeds improve the muscular-ity and beef quality. Simmental is of special significance when used for crossbreeding with different breeds best adapted to extreme environmental conditions, such as Zebu and Brahman. The excellent suitability for extensive ranch and suckler herds has further enhanced the spread of the breed. Good mothering ability and excellent temperament are important characteristics of the breed.
Functional traits
Simmental cattle are healthy, hardy and show an excellent adaptability to the different geographical and climatic conditions. Easy calving, regular fertility and a long productive life are, besides the high performance potential for milk and beef, the basis for efficient production.
There are polled lines in the Simmental breed which are further developed in breeding.
I'm off to take photos of these guys :)
What's better yet is all of our calves are raised on pasture, as well as our entire breeding stock herd is maintained on a grass fed base diet.
We do have beef available from time to time that is grass fed and free of growth hormones.