Sadie my heart dog and little princess received her third and final leg today for her Jumpers with weaves title abbreviated NAJ (novice agility jumpers). It was a LOT of fun watching her fly over the bars and I had good friends there that have been my first friends in Cardis so it made it even more special!
I got a collage of photos coming from professional photographers and they should be on their website shortly and can give you the link!
Her registered name (pending AKC approval of course) will be Qwaynts Midnight Forest Sadie CGC NAJ
Hooray for the Sadie Girl!
Traditional 1927 Shetland Sheep, Pedigree Blue Faced Leicesters and Traditional Simmental Cattle in the land of cheese.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sales List - UPDATED 7-10-08
Going through your own animals, day after day, gets quite stressful! Questions that always come up are:
How many can I keep comfortably?
What does their micron report tell me?
What does their handle tell me?
Do I have any others in that line?
Do I have any others in that color?
Do I have any others in that pattern?
What are its conformational faults or strengths? Can I live with them, or improve them?
Is their ewe lamb better than they are?
After second guessing myself, re-evaluating my flock and what my current and future goals are, this is what I have for sale. Granted they are moving on because I cannot use them for MY GOALS, but that doesn't mean they aren't NICE for some other flock!
A gorgeous and soft, square little modified moorit who may go mioget. NCWGA registerable $150 F2 Orion.
Bersugget F2 Orion scurred boy who carries the poll gene and is spotted. Super crimpy and soft! $300.
White Pine Peyton Ag black gulmoget scurred ram lamb $400. Very solid and square and growing fast! NASSA registerable.
White Pine Salida - black krunet ewe lamb. One of the only girls I'm letting go this year.$250 NASSA registerable.
WhitePine Peterson, black, crimpy, nice set of growing horns NCWGA registerable $125
Minwawe Skippy - fawn smirslet - shown with her ewe lamb Salida. Both for sale. $300 for Skippy, or $500 for the pair. Skippy is modified and spotted.
WhitePine Romeo - F2 Timothy, jet black, crimpy, soft scurred boy. Carries poll gene. Quite the gentleman NASSA registerable $250
Minwawe Fiddler - moorit yuglet flecket ram lamb. $250 very striking boy!
There are a few I missed, but do ask for details. I may have a starter flock ready to go shortly for wildly patterned babies! Discounts when three or more are purchased!
How many can I keep comfortably?
What does their micron report tell me?
What does their handle tell me?
Do I have any others in that line?
Do I have any others in that color?
Do I have any others in that pattern?
What are its conformational faults or strengths? Can I live with them, or improve them?
Is their ewe lamb better than they are?
After second guessing myself, re-evaluating my flock and what my current and future goals are, this is what I have for sale. Granted they are moving on because I cannot use them for MY GOALS, but that doesn't mean they aren't NICE for some other flock!

There are a few I missed, but do ask for details. I may have a starter flock ready to go shortly for wildly patterned babies! Discounts when three or more are purchased!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
A few photos of a couple lambs I was able to stalk this evening :)
This is WhitePine Columbine, a Jazz x Cori daughter who is one of my bottle lambs. The other one is in her new home just down the road with her favorite 8 year old girl! She is going to be used in 4H and I'm excited about that!
WinterSky Layla (F1 Orion) and her son WhitePine Longmont. He was my only moorit ram this year and he is going to be turning into that mioget color as well! He may have to be kept!
WhitePine Romeo is a Barish x Rahu son, so he is an F2 Timothy. Jet black color, loads of crimp and he is going to have tiny scurs on his head as he carries the poll gene! He is available for sale.
WhitePine Slater is the smirslet flecket grey katmoget and some patterns I can't describe (like incomplete sokkets, a near yuglet, but having black nose and ears etc). He is just so dang cute and he's the youngest lamb by about 2 weeks here...Today he was trying to get the older more 'mature' lambs to lamb race but it was just too hot to do that. He is going to live with Rayna at NorthStar Shetlands.
White Pine Rush, my little white ewe lamb out of Aman (F1 Orion) and Rachildas. She is so even and crimpy I can't wait to see what she produces! Her brother is the bersugget and he is going to also be a scurred boy, as he got the poll gene from his dad via his grandma's line (Wintersky Sandstone)
I can't believe how fast they are all growing up!
I can't believe how fast they are all growing up!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I'm retaining both the katmoget boys and possibly the mioget. The other two are still available for sale. Don't forget to check out the available animals. I may have a starter flock becoming available later this summer of ewes that carry spotting or are spotted. More on that as it gets closer to that time.
It has stopped raining long enough to get some photos of some flowers. NONE are in their peak, as that happened during the 16 days of rain. The flowering crabs bloomed during this time and I have no good shots of them to share with you! Bummer as I have about 14 varieties of flowering of only a tiny handful of ornamental flowering trees that grow up here.
Pin Cherry Tree (another native tree, but the birds get all the berries before I do!)
Heuchera "Marmalade" Not only has beautiful pinkish white flowers, but the color and texture just pops in the garden
Some of my 'veggie' garden now has sevearl kinds of Iris and Chives blooming. All the iris are gifts from others. Anyone want some?!! I have plenty!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I couldn't resist!!
After having the BFL ewe lambs from Brenda and Mark Lelli for almost a year, I decided it was time to add a few more to my flock.
Crosswind 0012 Clover, is a white ewe lamb out of Beechtree Gunnerton x Beechtree Shonah. Shonah also happens to be my Callaway's mother.
Crosswind 0009 Bea will be my first natural colored BFL ewe here! She is out of Beechtree Gunnerton and Beechtree Magpie.
Both girls are from stock that came from Beechtree Blues and are from slightly different lines than what I have here already.
Also coming from Michigan will be Sheltering Pines "Bubba" (its not his REAL name, but one that will be his nickname). He is coming from Stephen Rouse where all of his stock came from Beechtree as well.
He is only six weeks old in this photo so I am excited to see updated photos. He will be used on most of my BFLs this fall and a few shetlands.

Both girls are from stock that came from Beechtree Blues and are from slightly different lines than what I have here already.
Also coming from Michigan will be Sheltering Pines "Bubba" (its not his REAL name, but one that will be his nickname). He is coming from Stephen Rouse where all of his stock came from Beechtree as well.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
oh yea! Last lamb was born on Sunday!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The past two weekends
They are in full effect!
The last weekend in May we had a three day show in West Fargo, ND. That weekend Zoe, my blue merle girl was RWB on Friday, and won her class all three days. Ell won her class on Friday and Sunday. The judges' praises were very appreciated!
This past weekend Zoe was again RWB (Reserve Winner's Bitch) on Sun and Ell won her class both days and on Saturday, won Best Puppy (best puppy in the breed) and then went on to the Puppy Group ring where she won a Group 2 in the herding group! Yipee!!
I'm so proud of my girls and I think great things will come from them this summer!
A few photos of the Ell Bell and her ribbons....fortunately I cropped myself out as who wants to see ME (gross!) when they should be wanting to see cute dogs and sheep LOL

Thanks to Diana for taking the photos and to her daughter Mac for showing Zoe to her Reserve on Sunday!
They are in full effect!
The last weekend in May we had a three day show in West Fargo, ND. That weekend Zoe, my blue merle girl was RWB on Friday, and won her class all three days. Ell won her class on Friday and Sunday. The judges' praises were very appreciated!
This past weekend Zoe was again RWB (Reserve Winner's Bitch) on Sun and Ell won her class both days and on Saturday, won Best Puppy (best puppy in the breed) and then went on to the Puppy Group ring where she won a Group 2 in the herding group! Yipee!!
I'm so proud of my girls and I think great things will come from them this summer!
A few photos of the Ell Bell and her ribbons....fortunately I cropped myself out as who wants to see ME (gross!) when they should be wanting to see cute dogs and sheep LOL

Thanks to Diana for taking the photos and to her daughter Mac for showing Zoe to her Reserve on Sunday!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
For Sale List: - Updated!
Below you will find a list of the current "for sale" and "evaluation" sheep. We are doing an extensive AI this fall with 12-15 ewes being AI'ed along with an additional 15-20 ewes of Cynthia's. We were able to secure the last Jericho, Holly and Jamie straws as well as most of the Timothy and Orion straws. I am also using a few Minder.
This sales list is subject to change. if you are interested in even some that are listed currently as 'being evaluated' please do not hesitate to ask about them as they may be come available sooner or later.
Ram Lambs:
All ram lambs are available for sale pending further evaluation of conformation, growth, horns, testicles, temperament etc. It is an ongoing, daily judgement. Some of these boys will be amazing sires, others are not destined to be flock sires. These prices reflect pedigree, potential worth in a flock, and current temperament, horn development (or lack of) color of fleece and SOFTNESS of fleece.
White Pine Peyton - Ag gulmoget ram - Forrest x Peep $400 reserved
White Pine Lyons - black ram - $350 - Jazz x Lavender
White Pine Rico - bersugget ram - F2 Orion - $300 Aman x Rachildas
White Pine Romeo - black ram - scurred - Barish x Rahu $250 F2 Timothy
White Pine Grover - black ram - scurred - Barish x Gracie $250 F2 Timothy
White Pine Rifle - black ram - could be modified Barish x RedBud F2 Timothy $200
Minwawe Cloud - bergsugget - $200
Minwawe Fiddler - moorit flecket yuglet ram - $300
White Pine Longmont - fawn ram - Heath x Layla, F2 Orion -Available NCWGA $150
White Pine Peterson - black ram (Forrest x Pi Lo) $125 NCWGA registerable
White Pine Masonville - black krunet ram (Jazz x Maya) $100 as a whether/fiber pet
Ewe Lambs:
Minwawe Mopsy II - black krunet ewe - $250
Minwawe Merry Go Round - Ag flecket ewe -$300 - held for evaluation
Minwawe D.C. - black krunet - $250 - held for evaluation
White Pine Silverthorne - Ag krunet burrit ewe - Jazz x Shasta - held for evaluation
Mature Ewes:
ShelteringPines Wind Sprite - shaela smirslet - $200
This sales list is subject to change. if you are interested in even some that are listed currently as 'being evaluated' please do not hesitate to ask about them as they may be come available sooner or later.
Ram Lambs:
All ram lambs are available for sale pending further evaluation of conformation, growth, horns, testicles, temperament etc. It is an ongoing, daily judgement. Some of these boys will be amazing sires, others are not destined to be flock sires. These prices reflect pedigree, potential worth in a flock, and current temperament, horn development (or lack of) color of fleece and SOFTNESS of fleece.
White Pine Peyton - Ag gulmoget ram - Forrest x Peep $400 reserved
White Pine Lyons - black ram - $350 - Jazz x Lavender
White Pine Rico - bersugget ram - F2 Orion - $300 Aman x Rachildas
White Pine Romeo - black ram - scurred - Barish x Rahu $250 F2 Timothy
White Pine Grover - black ram - scurred - Barish x Gracie $250 F2 Timothy
White Pine Rifle - black ram - could be modified Barish x RedBud F2 Timothy $200
Minwawe Cloud - bergsugget - $200
Minwawe Fiddler - moorit flecket yuglet ram - $300
White Pine Longmont - fawn ram - Heath x Layla, F2 Orion -Available NCWGA $150
White Pine Peterson - black ram (Forrest x Pi Lo) $125 NCWGA registerable
White Pine Masonville - black krunet ram (Jazz x Maya) $100 as a whether/fiber pet
Ewe Lambs:
Minwawe Mopsy II - black krunet ewe - $250
Minwawe Merry Go Round - Ag flecket ewe -$300 - held for evaluation
Minwawe D.C. - black krunet - $250 - held for evaluation
White Pine Silverthorne - Ag krunet burrit ewe - Jazz x Shasta - held for evaluation
Mature Ewes:
ShelteringPines Wind Sprite - shaela smirslet - $200
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
trying to catch up!
The longer the day light, the busier I get. And that's a GOOD problem...considering my boredom/depression I tend to get in the winter when the days are so short and there is not much one can do in -30 degree weather with feet upon feet of snow!
Last week Minwawe Skippy, a smirslet fawn ewe from Peeps that I got last year as a lamb, gave me a very feminine black krunet ewe lamb out of Barish.
Today I checked Slipper and Kit Kat (the only two left to lamb) and there was nothing...I was for sure KK would lamb but when I came out to fill mineral tubs this afternoon I noticed slipper had a bag of blood sticking know....the kind that comes out AFTER the lamb and BEFORE the placenta is expelled!? I couldn't find the lamb!!!! Here he was already having jugged himself and waiting for him momma's milk! I quickly got her in the jug with him and he appeared to be moorit....upon his drying off more...he is defintely KATMOGET and smirslet AND flecket! how cool is that!! Talk about saving the best for last! I was bummed it was a boy, but I already have a home for him so I am very happy about that!

As soon as Kit Kat lambs I'll be posting my stats for the year...a very LONG year of lambing...over TWO MONTHS!
I've also added a few more photos of lambs for the fun of it. Indulge with me :)
White Pine Silverthorne (Ag/At) and White Pine Sheridan (Aa/Aa) F2 Jerichos out of Wintertime Jazz and Justalit'l Shasta. The one on the left may be for sale. Ewe on the right is NFS.
White Pine Rye (grey kat ewe) reserved, White Pine Peyton (Ag black gulmoget ram) possibly sold, White Pine Rush (white ewe) NFS.
(F2 Jericho, F3 Dillon, F2 Orion respectively)
White Pine Rye (reserved)
White Pine Parker (reserved)
Minwawe Cloud (bersugget) and White Pine Grover (black, F2 Timothy) both are for sale...see what a few weeks in age will do for a size comparison?! :)
White Pine Longmont (F2 Orion) NCWGA registerable only. he is turning modified...and will at least be fawn, maybe the gold mioget like his mother. For Sale.
Minwawe Bejig and Minwawe D.C. Bejig is shaela, her daughter could be modified. goregous structure and both very friendly. Ewe lamb would like to be retained but may be for sale depending on nubmers this fall.
Love-E-Ewe Cleo. Black iset ewe. She is sold.
I sat on a pail in their night pen and just sat. Almost immediately I was surrounded by familiar and not so familiar faces. I had about a dozen lambs crowding around me, jumping on my lamb, nibbling on my coat, asking to be pet and some just curious.
I had over a dozen EWES vying for my attention and affection, some familar like Cleo, Cori, Kershope (a BFL), Maya, Buttons, a few new comers like Layla, Chloe, and Peep and a few new surpsrises...a few from Mary Ellen, Bejig and Miracle...and even Shasta came up to be loved. With all those girls to be scratched I had some very dirty hands (lanolin) to be scrubbed when I got in to the house......
They must know that many of them are leaving next week for their new home at a petting zoo. What a perfect life...spoiled rotten by kids and fed some good stuff! I'm very happy for them and nearly ready to cry. I know they are LIVESTOCK and not pets, but they have stolen my heart and I'm forever grateful to them for letting me take care of them and repaying me with healthy lambs, soft gorgeous fleece, and every once in a while, a sigh or deep breath when I'm scratching them........ g'nite ya'll.
Last week Minwawe Skippy, a smirslet fawn ewe from Peeps that I got last year as a lamb, gave me a very feminine black krunet ewe lamb out of Barish.
Today I checked Slipper and Kit Kat (the only two left to lamb) and there was nothing...I was for sure KK would lamb but when I came out to fill mineral tubs this afternoon I noticed slipper had a bag of blood sticking know....the kind that comes out AFTER the lamb and BEFORE the placenta is expelled!? I couldn't find the lamb!!!! Here he was already having jugged himself and waiting for him momma's milk! I quickly got her in the jug with him and he appeared to be moorit....upon his drying off more...he is defintely KATMOGET and smirslet AND flecket! how cool is that!! Talk about saving the best for last! I was bummed it was a boy, but I already have a home for him so I am very happy about that!

As soon as Kit Kat lambs I'll be posting my stats for the year...a very LONG year of lambing...over TWO MONTHS!
I've also added a few more photos of lambs for the fun of it. Indulge with me :)

(F2 Jericho, F3 Dillon, F2 Orion respectively)

I sat on a pail in their night pen and just sat. Almost immediately I was surrounded by familiar and not so familiar faces. I had about a dozen lambs crowding around me, jumping on my lamb, nibbling on my coat, asking to be pet and some just curious.
I had over a dozen EWES vying for my attention and affection, some familar like Cleo, Cori, Kershope (a BFL), Maya, Buttons, a few new comers like Layla, Chloe, and Peep and a few new surpsrises...a few from Mary Ellen, Bejig and Miracle...and even Shasta came up to be loved. With all those girls to be scratched I had some very dirty hands (lanolin) to be scrubbed when I got in to the house......
They must know that many of them are leaving next week for their new home at a petting zoo. What a perfect life...spoiled rotten by kids and fed some good stuff! I'm very happy for them and nearly ready to cry. I know they are LIVESTOCK and not pets, but they have stolen my heart and I'm forever grateful to them for letting me take care of them and repaying me with healthy lambs, soft gorgeous fleece, and every once in a while, a sigh or deep breath when I'm scratching them........ g'nite ya'll.
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A long time coming!
It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...
Its always fun to switch it up a bit. I know some of you like to hear about my pigeons and cattle from time to time, as this IS a farm blog,...
It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...