*** UPDATE***
I've been on the phone with him and he seems in good spirits. Apparently he had it on the way home from work yesterday while driving he thought he should have his truck checked as he was swerving all over the road. He went out to do chores and was running into walls and when he talked to Bill Stearman last night Bill said Stephen sounded like he had a couple of beers ;) He went to work and couldn't make sentences properly and was misspelling. Apparently he went in today and they are monitoring him and trying to find out why it happened and how.
He does have his laptop with so emails would probably be very appreciated or a phone call.
Borgess Patient info line is 269-226-7000
Good grief. Thanks for letting us know Garrett.
Oh geez....I don't chck blogs all weekend and I see this! EEEK! I hope Stephen recovers quickly!
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