Sunday, May 17, 2009

What's For Sale

I did a tremendous amount of fencing today. This morning I spent the entire time fencing in another movable pasture for the boys. I have 10 yearling or two year old rams and I want to have only 4 by June 15th. I did some more evaluations on the rams and this is what I've decided can move on right now. I do have the right to change my mind ;)

* yearling moorit ram UnderTheSon Arapaho. $450 he has nice horns, near perfect conformation and is proven ram (bred three ewes for this spring lambs) All lambs had nice crimpy and even fleeces. He is a dark moorit with no iset. F2 Orion. Carries modified.
* yearling fawn katmoget UnderTheSon Mohican $350. Also nice horns, conformation. Both dense fleeces and mellow personalities. He was not used last fall. F2 Brent, F3 Jericho. Carries modified.
* yearling black ram named WhitePine Romeo $250. He is a poll carrier (one gene for poll, one for horn) as he has small scurs that require trimming. Gorgeous fleece, more intermediate in length (5-6") and very square boy. Soft like his dad, jet black. F2 Timothy. Out of Rahu one of my softest ewes.
* yearling warm black ram named WhitePine Lyons. I showed him last year at our Annual National show that was in Wisonsin. $350. Nice conformation, horns and friendly ram. He carries modified, spots and moorit. Was my keeper ram from last year but now am going to keep his younger full brother.
* yearling Ag/Aa Gray Bersugget ram named WhitePine Rico. His fleece is like butter. Super crimpy UK style fleece that is consistent from front to britch. Slightly narrow in the rear. Is spotted, carries modified and carries moorit. F2 Orion. $350

All rams are pending new micron results. For more information please inquire.

This afternoon/evening I spent mowing a path for the electronet for the ewes and lambs, as well as fencing in permanent fencing that will eventually be used for rotational grazing in a larger scale.

I did more evaluations on the ewes that I had in my mind I might let go. This is what i came up with.

Ewes available after July 1st.
*yearling Minwawe Dark Chocolate. She carries spots and is structurally wonderful. Crimpy fleece for a domestic. Carries moorit and modified genes also. jet black. $250
*Minwawe RedBud - shaela ewe (not iset)- two year old $250 carries spots and moorit. great mom. I'm keeping her ewe lamb.
*Minwawe Flopsy - moorit ewe - she is seven years old $300 carries spots. structurally beautiful. great mom. I'm keepign her ewe lamb.
*FirthofFifth Rooibos - fawn ewe - she is three years old . Primitive fleece. Free to good home due to mastitis. Should not be bred again.
*BonoCreek Lavender Brown - fawn ewe - she is six years old $250 reserved
*Minwawe Sterling - black krunet ewe (borderline shaela) - she is two years old $250 carries spots and moorit. Thrown only spotted girls for me. I'm retaining her girls.
*Minwawe Dixie Cup - black smirslet ewe - she is two years old $250 carries spots and moorit. My softest domestic ewe. I'm keeping her ewe lamb.
*Justalit'l Shasta - Ag smirslet flecket ewe - she is four years old $300. i think she carries polled and she herself is horned. Great mom and VERY friendly. F2 Gordon.
*WhitePine Twix - moorit moonspotted ewe - she is two years old $175. moonspotting is rare. she is now just getting iset on her sides. Last micron was very soft.

The above girls were all tested negative for OPP, Johne's and CL in October 2008. All have several micron reports as well.

Ram Lambs: (pending horn growth, testes, bite, structure) They may be kept until September for their first micron test to see where they are at.

Since I still have Jazz and Barish, most of their boys will be available July 15th or so. Please inquire for pricing.

*WhitePine Matthias - gray katmoget -(Wintertime Jazz x ShelteringPines Myra) He carries moorit and spotting. Very even fleece with no falling out at the britch. Very crimpy.
*WhitePine Reuben - black - (UnderTheSon Arapaho x FirthofFifth Rahu) . Very sound boy who has amazing presence in the pasture. Carries moorit.
*WhitePine Enoch - gray katmoget - (FirthofFifth Barish x River Oaks Eliza). Eliza is my softest mature ewe hands down. Enoch should carry moorit and could carry modfied and spots. Will have a wavier crimp in his fleece and 'probably' be more intermediate I'm thinking at this point
*WhitePine Lot - dark gray katmoget krunet - (Wintertime Jazz x Bono Creek Lavender Brown). Carries spots, moorit and possibly modified. GORGEOUS fleece, very even. Darkest Jazz katmoget ram lamb yet. Beautiful conformation. single coated.
*WhitePine Christian - black - (UnderTheSon Arapaho x WhitePine Centennial) the most amazing black ram I've had born to date here. Very even crimp, UK style, with a lot of presence and attitude in the field. Crimp even on his tail head. Carries moorit and possibly modified. He may stay here, but if someone reserves him I can't change my mind :)
*WhitePine Fortunatus - gray katmoget - (Wintertime Jazz x Minwaw Flopsy) Fleece is just stunning. dark gray katmoget that carries moorit and spotting. Beautiful build.
*two black ram lambs I'm still out to lunch on as their fleeces are still dog hair. One coudl be shaela, the other is a black krunet. With all the others to choose from I woulsn't consider them except their moms are soft and the lambs may just be 'sleepers' until this fall.

AI ram lambs:
*white ram lamb - (heights orions x ryl rachildas). I haven't decided which to keep but they are nearly identical. One has more phaeo than the other, but both are crimpy down to the tail head with no britch. nicely conformed.
* ram lamb out of Campaign Timothy x Justalit'l Shasta. One is Ag with normal horns. The other is black with scurs. I won't decide until micron reports.
* WhitePine Rufus - fawn (heights orion x firthoffifth rooibos) - it looks as though he will be intermediate in fleece going more towards his mother's type of fleece. nicely built, square boy. Very inquisitive and calm disposition
* ram lamb out of (Heights Orion x Underhill Peep) 75% UK. one is moorit, one is musket. Both seem to be scurred. I will only keep one.
* WhitePine Ulam - (Shirehill Minder x Underhill Ulla) 69% UK with nice horns so far. I have a fawn katmoget ram lamb i'm keeping out of Orion so this boy is available. His brother is the musket yuglet sokket HST ram lamb that looks like he will be scurred. I'm retaining him.

All above ram lambs are available to be 'reserved'. I'd like to make sure they are breeding worthy prior to me selling them. If I feel they are worthy of breeding the deposit will go towards their purchase price. If they are not breeding quality after all, then your deposit can go towards another ram or refunded. This will be more precise in July or August. Stay tuned. Please inquire if you have a favorite ;)

ewe lambs available will be in a post tomorrow.

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