I have the following ewes available for sale. As always, our flock is blood tested annually and is found free of OPP, Johne's, CL and BTV. Annual micron testing is also done and the utmost care in health management and rotational grazing is done.
These animals have been utilized in both AI programs and ground breeding programs (some pure, some crossbreeding) and all have met our stringent requirements for a productive ewe.
These ewes are ONLY AVAILABLE until July 15th. Ewes can be held here for a small boarding fee until Jefferson show in September. A non refundable 25% deposit is required to hold your selections. 10% Discounts on 3 or more sheep.
WhitePine Castle Rock - gray katmoget ewe (Wintertime Jazz x Justalit'l Chloe) Ab/Aa, BB/Bb, SS/S?. C.R. gave me a wonderful ewe lamb out of Barish last year that I retained as well as a gorgeous white ewe lamb out of White Pine Roman this year. Since I am retaining her sister Centennial, I feel she can move on to be productive for another farm. Great AI prospect. $350
Justalit'l Chloe - fawn katmoget ewe (Underhill Bartok x Justalit'l Ewenique) Ab/Ab, Bb/Bb, SS/Ss. Chloe has performed so well here for us I would love to see her genetics and qualities shine at another flock at this time. She is extremely improveable as is evidence in her lambs, when bred to a nice ram. She's been AI'ed three times with outstanding results. $300.
RYL Rachildas - white illget ewe (Bramble Connor x Blackfeather Seti) Awt/Ag, BB/BB, SS/Ss. Rachildas has been AI'ed in the past and bred to high UK rams and has given me amazing lambs. Conformation is on point, crimpy, typical Shetland look. Her daughter out of Jazz this year takes my breath away. Older ewe but still has many good years of breeding in her $250.
ShelteringPines Myra - fawn katmoget ewe (ShelteringPines Starry Night x Canosia Farm May) she has given me only ram lambs, but they have been stunners! I have several ewes related to her and am retaining her son from this year. A lovely typey ewe with crimp and luster. Her tail is about an inch too long for me, but it is improveable. AI prospect.$300
Wintertime Galina - black gulmoget ewe (Wintertime Black Forrest x ShelteringPines The Holy Grail) At/Aa, BB/Bb, SS/Ss. I am retaining her black gulmoget ewe lamb out of Ephraim. Galina is a solid sided gullie with wonderful conformation. AI prospect.$400
WhitePine Skor - shaela ewe (FirthofFifth don Telmo Bourbon x FirthofFifth Assam Meleng) Aa/Aa, BB/Bb, SS/Ss, MM/Mm . Shorter in leg, she still produces a lovely pewter fleece like her mother. I'm retaining her mioget daughter out of AI (heights orion). $250
Minwawe Dark Chocolate - black krunet ewe - wonderful conformation and size. Her 2 yr old micron was 25.6 AFD, 6.7 SD, 26 CV with a CF of 81.2%. She is Aa/Aa, BB/B?, SS/Ss, MM/Mm. domestic ewe with crimp. It does happen! $250
Minwawe RedBud - shaela krunet ewe - short on leg and small in stature her lambs grow fast and are about the same size as she is already. Aa/Aa, BB/Bb, SS/Ss, Mm/MM. a nice 6" fleece that sells fast every year. $250.
The following ewes are available as unregistered at $125 each:
Minwawe Flopsy - older moorit ewe who is looking for a retirement home and shouldn't be bred again.
Minwawe Sea Breeze - moorit yuglet sokket. small in stature. produces spots.
WhitePine Columbine - black two year old. Was a bottle baby. Small in stature. Fleece is longer than I think is standard. her AFD as a two year old was 26.2 AFD with an SD of 7.1. She had the cutest black smirslet ewe lamb this year with fleece improvement that I will be retaining.