Monday, May 4, 2009

The last three holdouts

Lambing is nearly done here but the last three hold outs are driving me bonkers!

Minwawe Sterling, a plain black krunet ewe gave me Sedalia last year when bred to Jazz. Anyone who has been following this blog knows that Sedalia was my diamond in the ruff last year...not only single coated and my softest/finest microned ewe lamb ever, but also was spotted....smirslet sokket gray katmoget with a white tail. I repeated the breeding hoping for another Sedalia.....and naturally Sterling is holding out on me.

FirthofFifth Taika is a black gulmoget with an intermediate fleece and the side dusting. She didn't lamb as a yearling and I didn't think she was even bred this year but it appears her udder is really starting to blossom. She is bred to FifthofFifth Barish with the hopes of getting solid sided gulmoget lambs :) I wouldn't be disappointed with a gul/kat either as Barish is a Katmoget. Naturally of course she is one of the last holdouts teasing me. The lambs will be black based as Barish is homozygous black and Taika could also be. I'm sure i'll just get a black ram lamb as that is entirely possible but I'm hoping Taika produces a gullie as that would make up for her free ride last year :)

Black Forest Tilly is a full sister to Taika from last year. She has minimal side dusting and is bred to UnderTheSon Arapaho. Im not sure if Tilly carries moorit but its a possibility. I was hoping with the three girls i put in with Arapaho i'd get some moorit based lambs but unfortunately not so far (two black ram lambs so far from him) and i'm really hoping for a moorit gulmoget ewe...she is my only chance of one. And since that is what I'm waiting for...naturally she is holding out as well. They are making me wait! I thought for sure Tilly would go last night. She's be irritable (as has Sterling) and both have had their tails flagged for days......

And I didn't think Castle Rock would lamb so soon as I pegged her for my finale, but she had other intentions I guess :)

Off to work! Hopefully when I made a noon check there is something out there! (think all ewe lambs!)


Rayna said...

Can't wait to see!

Becky Utecht said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Michelle said...

No news yet? I keep expecting NEWS!!

Sabrina Wille Erickson said...

I sure hope you get your dream lambs!

I've been loving the crimp on your katmogets.

Cynthia said...

Good grief Garrett. I keep checking in and expecting those bag girls to have finished their work. Hang tight. it does ALWAYS come to an end, lol. Hugs

Dawn said...

Garrett its been like forever, those 3 must have burst! Pictures please, and oh yeah, more Mitcham!

A long time coming!

 It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...