Traditional 1927 Shetland Sheep, Pedigree Blue Faced Leicesters and Traditional Simmental Cattle in the land of cheese.
The Coefficient of Variation is the Standard Deviation divided by the Average Fiber Diameter multipled by 100 and reported as a percentage. The CV is used in the statistical analysis of different populations of fiber (different animals)."
I have found in my experience with Shetlands that the lower the CV the more 'improvable' the animal is towards finer fleece and a more single coat. CV is just as important as AFD and SD in my opinion. A low CV I believe also indicates a more consistent fleeced animal from head to britch. Someone stop me if I'm wrong :)
Mature ewes are at least 2 years of age with the oldest being 8 years old.
FS = For sale, NFS = Not for sale
FifthofFifth Evidence of Autumn - mioget 4 yr old ewe - AFD 29.2, SD 8, CV 27.5, CF 62.2%. She is herself not fine, but she throws some amazing lambs when bred to a fine ram! (FS)
FirthofFifth Booto AI - fawn katmoget 2 year old ewe - AFD 26.1, SD 6.8, CV 26.3, CF 77% (NFS)
Justalit'l Chloe - fawn katmoget six year old ewe - AFD 30.3, SD 6.3, CV 20.7, CF 56.8%. She has produced four outstanding lambs here and all have been retained. Great ewe! (NFS)
RiverOaks Eliza - white four year old ewe - AFD: 26.6, SD 5.6, CV 21.1, CF 79.3% (NFS)
Minwawe Flopsy - moorit seven year old ewe - AFD 29, SD 8.2, CV 28.3, CF63.6% Produced great things when bred to Jazz this past year! (FS)
Minwawe Dixie Cup - shaela smirslet 2 yr old ewe - AFD 28.7, SD 8.3, CV 28.9, CF 65.7 (Sold)
ShelteringPines Fleur De Lis - smirslet gray katmoget 2 yr old ewe - AFD 27.3, SD 5.8, CV 21.3, CF 72.2% (NFS)
Justalit'l Black Lambo - black 8 yr old ewe - AFD 27.2, SD 6.2, CV 22.7, CF 70% (NFS)
BonoCreek Lavender Brown - six year old fawn ewe - AFD 27.8, SD 8.4, CV 30, CF 66.9. She threw amazing lambs the last two years bred to Jazz. (Sold)
WinterSky Layla AI - mioget two year old ewe - AFD 25.3, SD5.5, CV 21.6, CF 84.6% (NFS)
RiverOaks Lucy - gray katmoget two year old ewe - AFD 27.7, SD 4.9, CV 17.8, CF 70.6% (NFS)
Sheltering Pines Nirvana - horned gray katmoget 2 yr o ld ewe - AFD 28.5, SD 5.9, CV 20.6, CF65.2% (NFS)
It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...