Saturday, March 27, 2010

lambing weights and update on BFL lambs

Since I am a man of numbers, and like doing graphs, pie charts, spread sheets all based on numbers and performance, of any animal (dog, pigeon, sheep, goat, cow, horse, chicken etc) I find these things fascinating!

BFL lambs. 14 born so far, 12 alive (I lost one of the prolapsed ewes lambs last night at 3 weeks of age. They were never really gaining and unthrifty, no matter how many other ewes they nursed off of. The other one still remains quite small).

BFL ewe, weights of lambs, sexes of lambs:

Beechtree Kiloran, 11# 7oz, 7#, ram and ewe - didn't accept lambs initially. lost ewe lamb

ShelteringPines Morovia, 9#11oz, 7#11oz, two rams - great mom

ShelteringPines Nubia, 6#12oz, 8#2oz, two rams - prolapsed, didn't accept lambs initially. lost white ram lamb.

ShelteringPines Catalonia, 11# 6oz, 11# 4oz ewe and ram - great mom

Cross Wind Bea, 8#, 7# 6oz, ram and ewe - great mom, ewe lamb is stiff legged, been giving BoSe, Vit B12 and Nutri Drench. Still nursing good.

Beechtree GlenLuce, 10# 11oz, 10# 6oz, both ewes - didn't accept lambs initially

Cross Wind Clover, 11# 6oz, 11# 10oz, ewe and ram - didn't accept lambs initially

All the ewes that didn't like their lambs initially are now taking them, even if they aren't calling to them, but they sleep with them and let them nurse.

RYL Rachildas had a single white ewe lamb out of Jazz. She was nearly TEN pounds!

FirthofFifth Evidence of Autumn had twin mule ewe lambs out of Burma. They were 7# and 6# 11oz.

Yes photos are here. I just have to uploaded.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Opps, I started typing and it disappeared. Sorry about that. How did you get the ones that didn't take them initially to accept them? My Corrie cross is being difficult with her ewe lamb. I am appreciating my Shetland ewes mothering abilities more and more!

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