Monday, April 19, 2010

Gulmogets finally and a gorgeous moorit based ewe!

Minwawe Sea Breeze gave me this very large, 9 pound Shetland Mule natural colored ewe lamb. Sea Breeze is an 'itty bitty' girl, at 65 pounds, so this lamb was quite large in body ratio to her momma. She seems to have a lot of white on her head now that she is dried off. I took another photo of her tonight I"ll have to put up tomorrow.

Wintertime Galina (Wintertime Black Forrest x Sheltering Pines The Holy Grail) was bred to WhitePine Ephraim (Heights Orion x FirthofFifth Evidence of Autumn). After all the singles i figured she'd have a big single, but when I came out after lunch on Sunday, she had both these buggers up nursing already! It was a dark corner and it looked like two black gulmogets, but when I took photos, there was my moorit gulmoget! He has minor smirslet markings and has soft crimpy fleece. Both lambs weighed in over 6.5 pounds!
Here is Galina and her little girl. Notice both lambs are solid sided like their momma! I just love that 'black and tan' marking in animals! I've always loved Dobermans due to this pattern/marking. I'm so glad I finally have some gullies in the lambing pens!
The next two photos are of the same girl. A gorgeous and beautiful modified moorit EWE lamb out of WhitePine Ephraim and WhitePine Bethany (Heights Orion x Justalit'l Black Lambo) I guess I thought she was a krunet, but with TWO white spots, is that technically a smirslet? What a 'weak' smirslet :)
GORGEOUS fleece on this girl. Yum yum yum. And I'm just TICKLED that she's SOLID Aa/Aa and moorit based! I love my katmogets but I'm so happy for another moorit!


Michelle said...

Isn't it great when SOMEONE decides to finally honor the "lamb order" you put in? Congrats!

Becky Utecht said...

Oh lucky you, a moorit gulmoget ram lamb! Does he have horn buds?

Cynthia said...

Well YEA guy, finally! So what does this put you at for numbers due? Hope they finish up today for you.

A long time coming!

 It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...