Friday, April 2, 2010

Last 24 hours of lambs and a markings question

I can't remember where I left off :)

Let's see....FirthofFifth Booto, an F1 Timothy, fawn katmoget gave me a 7 pound smirslet fawn katmoget ram lamb out of my F1 Orion boy, WhitePine Ephraim. Goregous color and markings. As you will see, his smirslet is only on his right side of his face, except for a tiny patch on his left cheek. Its kind of hard to see the white with the flash, and I'm sure most of it will fade as he grows up, but I know he will produce spots at least :)

RiverOaks Lucy (A Sheltering Pines Bombarde daughter) was AI'ed to Greenholme Holly. She produced a smooth polled moorit ram with krunet and bielset markings. The Bielset is extremely thin and it follows the jaw line around and up over his ears. He has amazing crimp to rival his half brother Levi, from last year who was out of Willowcroft Jamie. Last year I hoped for a moorit. I got him this year ;) Since Holly is a poll carrier and so is Lucy, he "COULD" be a full polled ram! I'm excited to see what he will produce this fall. spots, crimp (and soft) and polled! He is the darkest moorit ram I've had born here....which is what I like! His crimp rivals Lilly's ram lamb out of Orion. More photos of him tomorrow!

ShelteringPinjes Nirvana was bred to Todhill Jericho. She gave me TWIN EWE lambs! The first is a very light gray katmoget ewe lamb with super crimp, and smirslet marking like booto's boy.
Ok here is her twin sister...ahem....

This white that goes through the nose also goes under to her chin and down her throat slightly.

Is this a bleset? She also has three white socks and a fourth with a white spot above the hoof.

Since I don't breed specifically for spots in most of my breedings, I don't know what to call the marking. I haven't seen another like her.



Cynthia said...

Wow, way to go Garrett. The Nirvana X Jericho lambs are everything we have come to expect from that ram and yes, the little colored package is quite a stunner. But it is the Lucy X Holly ram that is my favorite so far this year. It's always are to tell with the lunch-bunch pix, but he looks very good. You know my passion for solids. Congrats sweetie.

Sabrina Wille Erickson said...

My vote is for the Lucy boy too! I hope he turns out smooth polled and crimpy crimpy!

I can't help you with the marking girl. But she sure is cute. :)

Michelle said...

LOTS of lovely lambs! I am pouting about not getting any girls (yet), but the good thing about boys is having a better idea of what their horn genetics are.

Jenny Holden said...

Aww, just look at all those lambs! That's one amazingly marked ewe lamb! I had one similar last year
We decided on fawn katmoget smirslet sokket!

Nancy K. said...

She looks like a gorgeous Smirslet/sokket to me. What a beauty!

Happy Easter

Becky Utecht said...

Oh I am so jealous of Lucy's moorit, especially if he turns out to be polled. I'm sorry she didn't give you twins. You've got some beautiful lambs so far!

A long time coming!

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