Below is a giant single modified black katmoget ewe lamb out of Jazz and WhitePine Eve (twin sister to WhitePine Ephraim) This was Eve's first lambing and I have no idea where this 9 pound lamb was hiding as Eve still looks the same from before the lambing. I found this girl popcorn-ing around the pen when I got home from my day trip.

This is Wintertime Galina (Wintertime Black Forrest x ShelteringPines The Holy Grail) and her twin gray katmoget lambs (ram and ewe) out of Wintertime Jazz. They were both up nursing and tail wagging at the 9pm barn check. I can't believe no gul/kat OR gullies but Rayna leased her so I'm not too mad.
What I am mad about however is the ewe lamb is quite SPOTTED. Ahem. Pink nose Bill! Sorry the blurry photos. they were taken with the phone!

WhitePine Skor, a true shaela (modified whole color) was bred to WhitePine Levi (black krunet F1 Jamie) in hopes of polled rams. Instead I got a jet black ewe lamb! I am glad this is a SOLID ewe lamb Aa/Aa as the rest of my lambs born this year have all been katmoget! Her fleece looks pretty nice and again, a fairly large lamb, and her mother doesn't seem to have lost any of her figure..... ahem.. She was up nursing and jumping this AM at the 6am barn check.

Better photos hopefully soon. I need to just bite the bullet and get a new digital camera. They are so cheap right now.....

This is Wintertime Galina (Wintertime Black Forrest x ShelteringPines The Holy Grail) and her twin gray katmoget lambs (ram and ewe) out of Wintertime Jazz. They were both up nursing and tail wagging at the 9pm barn check. I can't believe no gul/kat OR gullies but Rayna leased her so I'm not too mad.

WhitePine Skor, a true shaela (modified whole color) was bred to WhitePine Levi (black krunet F1 Jamie) in hopes of polled rams. Instead I got a jet black ewe lamb! I am glad this is a SOLID ewe lamb Aa/Aa as the rest of my lambs born this year have all been katmoget! Her fleece looks pretty nice and again, a fairly large lamb, and her mother doesn't seem to have lost any of her figure..... ahem.. She was up nursing and jumping this AM at the 6am barn check.