I'm feeling better today. Not only did I have to work all day, but I felt much better after all the private emails, phone calls and text messages from my cyber family. Thank you. You are all loved! Thanks for your friendship. It also helps that I have my sheep and dogs to help me through these times. If I didn't have them I don't know what I'd do!
I found out today that I'm babysitting for 2 Pembrokes and 2 Italian Greyhounds Sunday and Monday. The pems have been here before but not the IGs and they are 'iffy' dogs to me...don't know that pottying outside is better than in their crate or in the house. I'm not sure what my dogs will think of them....the IGs aren't terribly friendly to me even (but they live with the Pems).
I"ll keep you posted and pray to God that I can find the time to take photos of them!
Wish me luck!
Enjoy your long weekend!!!
Glad you are feeling better and good luck!
I went through the typical Catholic up bringing of Sunday church services, got married in a Catholic church (divorced now of course:)& but as I got older I never felt a "Wow" factor when I went to church, which is not alot in all honesty). Last summer I had the opportunity to spend a week on the Sea Island, home of the Gullah culture, descendents of African slaves. I spent an afternoon in an African American church...run by all African American women. I can not remember the domination but let me be the first to say it was so upligting...I loved it! I loved the singing, the inspiration, the togetherness of the church. I came home, bought a gospel tape called "Wade in the Waters" & I listen to it all the time....go figure...white country girl listening to African American gospel. I guess I'd like to say that you just never know when you will find your nitch in life....I didn't until I got divorced but having wonderful friends & a barn full of animals that you love & love you is just a great feeling!Everyone has those moments in life but as long as there is a tomorrow then that makes all the difference in the world:)
Glad you are feeling better Garrett!
Can't wait to hang out with you and the gang at Jefferson, we are going to have a blast :-).
I'm glad you are better, Garrett. We all go through the blahs, so you are not alone. Just remember you have a lot of friends out there and with me, all you have to do is call. I'm just a phone call away.
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