Sheltering Pines Fleur de Lis. She is a grey katmoget smirslet yearling that Stephen didn't breed as a lamb. She is out of Underhill Thelonius Monk and Justalit'l Too Unique.
This is Sheltering Pines Nessebar (which is an ancient Bulgarian City). She is a grey katmoget ewe lamb out of Sheltering Pines Starry Night and Sheltering Pines Morgan le Fey. She is a stunning ewe lamb and I'm so excited to see what she can produce!
Sheltering Pines Myra (which is an ancient greek city) is a beautiful fawn katmoget ewe lamb out of Sheltering Pines Starry Night and Canosia Farm May. May is mioget so Myra should carry the modifier. She is also quite stunning and Stephen will slap himself next spring when he sees her lamb out of Jazz :)
Here are two photos of Sheltering Pines Burma (another ancient city/country...Stephen's theme this year...ancient cities/countries). Burma is a natural colored "English Blue" pattern. He is out of the Carry House/V2 line and is fine fleeced and quite the center of attention. I'm excited to see what he will produce with some Shetlands and the BFLs in the future!
Thanks Stephen! More photos of the others sooN!
What wonderful additions to your flock, Garrett! I think Myra is especially stunning!!
Nice pictures, used to raise Shetlands!
Those two ewe lambs were my favorites of Stephen's and almost had the Cary's bring one or both back to me, but I went with one from Scott Bailey instead (the Cary's bought her west for me). Still Stephen's breeding but a fawn gulmoget. We definitely are drawn to similar sheep, cause I almost bought Easter too, but knew you were interested so I didn't pursue it once I found that out. Did you buy her? Great new additions, Congrats! I can't wait to see your lambs next year!
I was reading Juliann's blog & she had such nice things to say about you, I thought I would check out your site:) Beautiful sheep from Stephen! I got my first spotted ewe from him & this year she gave me back the cutest yuglet, sokket, blk gul.!!You can't go wrong with his sheep! I was at a dog show & was talking to Ferris Beashau & her mom, I mentioned I had Shetland Sheep, & they brought up your name & what fun you were at the Corgis Nationals:) I was reading back into your blog & noticed the pigeon uncle is a big pigeon breeder here in OH. Anyways, I enjoyed your blog & will come back to check it out! Kristi
Wonderful new sheep Garrett! Love the BFL ram too...and sure did enjoy the blog on MFF!!! Thank you!!!
Hi Garrett! I'm already kicking myself. LOL. The 2 kat ewe lambs I got are nice. Why is it they always look so GREAT after they leave my farm and I'm left wondering why I sold them? LOL. Had to though. I'm still too high on numbers.
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