Saturday, April 10, 2010

more lambs

FirthofFifth Rahu (Wintertime Black Forrest x RYL Rachildas) was bred to Willowcroft Jamie. She produced a 7# 5oz ewe lamb that is WHITE and lots of phaeo, just like her momma. Cute huh?

another shot of her fleece....yummy...
Minwawe Flopsy was bred to my BFL Burma. These are Natural Colored English Blue (Aeb/Aa) and carry moorit. Both rams :( They are for sale with their mother at a package deal.
Below is a Shetland-Cheviot ewe with her Texel sired EWE lamb. That's three ewes out of the Texel and ram lamb. These one has a more Cheviot type fleece than the other two, out of the Shetland Mules. I also had a Shetland Mule lamb out a Texel cross ewe lamb. Both of these were 7 pounds on the mark.

I still have two ewe to lamb via AI. (day 152 today) and seven more bred naturally that are all over due the same amount. Naturally all five ewes that could produce gulmogets are still holding out. Naturally I'd like a moorit gulmoget ewe. I guess I keep waiting. I still have one Shetland-Cheviot ewe to lamb also and then in another week and a half the clean up ram gets to see his babies. Looks like three of the F1 yearlings are bred, and then 5 to the BFL!

1 comment:

Potosi Sheep Farm said...

Very cute!!!! Explain phaeo. I need some Shetland lingo education.I an learning so much from your blog.

A long time coming!

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