Wednesday, April 29, 2009

AI lamb photos

Speaking of AI lambs....they are about 4 weeks old today.

The twin white RAMS are out of Heights Orion and RYL Rachildas. Both are 56.5% UK. I'm keeping one, the other will be for sale later. they carry moorit, spotting and modified.
My only Willowcroft Jamie lamb this year! He looks polled still at 4 weeks of age...I believe he got that from his mother (pictured here with him) RiverOaks Lucy who is linebred back on Roban Dillon. The ram lamb Levi carries moorit and has a krunet on his head. Super structure so far, very single coated and even from front to back.
heights orion x firthoffifth evidence of autumn's lambs. Ram in front and ewe in back.
Heights Orion x Justalit'l Black Lambo daughter Bethany. She is my favorite of the three AI ewe lambs this year.
Heights Orion x FirthofFifth Booto AI, ram lamb here with his momma Booto. He is 76% UK and F1 Orion, F2 Timothy with some lightnight waaaaaaaaay back there.

The next two photos are of Heights Orion x Underhill Peep. Both rams are apparently poll carriers (Their mother may be a full poll as last year she produced twin rams that were both poll carriers as well) . They are 75% UK and are F1 Orion, F3 Greyling F3 Jamie.
musket ram
moorit ram

Below is Heights Orion x FirthofFifth Rooibos. He is very square. Fleece we can't tell yet where it will go.
These are my Campaign Timothy x Justalit'l Shasta twin rams. The Ag gray has huge horns and the black looks to have scurs. I truly believe Shasta carries the poll gene even though she is also horned!!

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