Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ag Gulmoget ewe, pretty please?

I have become increasingly more and more enamored with the double patterned Ag/At look. I absolutely love the gulmoget markings with the Ag body. I did raise one this year, Peyton. If he were a girl I would have kept him hands down but he is now making babies in Alaska. I can't make another Ag/gulmoget this year so have to go to the masses.

I'm just letting everyone out there in blogger land know that if you get an Ag Gulmoget ewe lamb, or have an Ag gulmoget ewe for sale that is more UK type and soft, do let me know. I don't mind the Ag gene in ewes...I have an Ag/Aa Musket and an Ag/Aa Grey, so wouldn't mind an Ag/At ewe as well!

Thanks in advance :)


Kara said...

How about a Ag Katmoget? All my Ag girls are in with a Katmoget...

Rayna said...

All three Ag girls are going in with Likei this year :)

Michelle said...

Just what I need, a reason to breed Butter (Ag) to Franjean! And I do think the cross could be "golden." But as sure as I do, I won't be able to sell any lambs next year....

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

MIchelle, she 'could' already be bred to him anyway! :) everyone think ewe lambs!

Michelle said...

No, if Butter is bred already it is to Braveheart, so the resulting offspring would be Ag/Ag, Ag/Aa, or possibly Aa/Aa IF Butter carries solid. I may still expose her to Franjean, but will wait at least two more weeks so I don't have to do paternity testing, which costs $120 (you have to test both parents and lamb at $40 each).

A long time coming!

 It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...