Saturday, March 21, 2009

Justalit'l Shasta gives me twins!

Justalit'l Shasta was bred to Campaign Timothy and I was hoping for a black ram and an Ag black (gray) ewe lamb to replace Shasta. I guess they had other ideas :) Shasta is Ag/Aa, BB/B?, Ss/Ss so these boys could carry spotting, moorit (from their father) and I've heard if a horned ewe is bred to a horned ram the chances of getting larger horns on the boys is better? Has this been confirmed? These boys are 62.5% UK and have great structure already. The boys' names in keeping with my theme this year (Biblical names) is WhitePine Simeon and WhitePine Solomon. Simeon is the one standing up in the photos.

Shasta is such a good mom......there was one ram lamb who was a bit 'slower' in getting to his feet...she worked on that boy until he stood...and then kept working on him until he moved to her udder to nurse. After he ate his fill, she licked him into the corner and promptly laid dow in front of him so he couldn't get out and let her fleece help keep him warm. The other boy was trying to 'popcorn' around the jug. Rachildas, my white ewe was trying to climb over the panel to get in with what she thought were 'her' lambs. I'm guessing that she'll be the next one to go...she didn't eat her breakfast this morning and isn't chewing her cud......

And sadly no one guessed Shasta so that means I will do a new version of the contest when the ground breeding group starts to lamb...which should NOT be for another month.

Will now keep you updated with photos for those who are going through lamb withdrawls.....and it doesn't help that I have two to look I want MORE to look at ;)


Rayna said...


Becky Utecht said...

Congrats on the nice set of twins!

Karen said...

Congratulations on the new lambs, I am indeed suffering from lamb withdrawal so thanks for the pictures! I'd love to see some UK fleeces up close sometime...

penni said...

I hope now you're busy enough, Garrett -- with babies popping up all over. More twins, more twins . . .

Holly said...

What adorable little rams!! Congrats again!

Unknown said...

Sounds like lambing season is off to a great start!! Can't wait to see the rest:)

Eve said...

Oh wow, look at the wool on him already. Congrats on the twins.

A long time coming!

 It has been a long time. Too long in fact. We lost access to our farm website and ebonwald website when WEBS.COM was closed by VistaPrint. ...