I have always hated the noise that Guinea hens make. Last fall I broke down at the swap and purchased two from Rayna and her mom. I figured they'd be good to keep around to eat the bugs and ticks and stuff that try to get a free ride on the animals or me. I'm sure i could have 200 and still have ticks but they look cool. :) They have started to nest and have been an awful racket....so the other day I let them out of the barn. They had a gorgeous week in the 50's. I haven't found them yet today...in the snow....then again I just came in to take a break after a morning of snow...more of that in the next post.

Shocker is very indignant that he is seperated from his momma. I left him with his mom for eight months...mostly for companionship but he was starting to get rowdy so I had to seperate him. Here he is in his box stall........he's such a silly boy...he loves playing with his oats pan and kicks it and carries it around the pen. He is still several inches shorter than his mom...and they both are fuzzy as can be. Don't worry I do check the halter everyday....if he doesn't have it on he knows he can try and play keep away......He's looking for a good home, as is his pregnant mommy.

Well Michelle, I had to take a photo of my garden......yesterday......before all the snow......to show you that I do indeed have one.....the snow bank was mostly gone...that is....until today.
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